She's too hyper!

by Laura

We have a 10 month old girl that we got 3 weeks ago. She is already house trained and generally a good puppy but it is VERY hard to get her to calm down. She goes and goes and goes. If I try and pick her up to quiet her, it works for a few seconds and she's wiggling to get down and play again. What can we do to mellow her?

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May 14, 2019
She's can be destructive!
by: DB

When my newly adopted rescue coton, who is now 14 weeks old, gets the "zoomies", she can be destructive. In the first few days I taught her to fetch, and that was great for a distraction! Now, she has grown bored with her ball. And has decided I'm her favorite chew toy if I attempt to distract her from whatever she tends to pause to do which usually is to gnaw on a table or chair leg or baseboard, chew on her new Daddy's shoes, tug on the table cloth, chewon any kind of paper she can get her teeth on, etc, get the picture. And while I'm taking away the forbidden item, or removing her from the area, she is biting, nipping. chewing any part of me she can get her teeth on. And then after giving her one of her chew toys, nothing will satisfy her. She will continue to come after me until I'm sitting with my legs and clothing tucked under me, so she can't jump and reach any part of me to nip. Then, she will often times rip her pee pad off the floor. I've tried everything I can find. Otherwise, she is adorable. She is definitely my dog. She comes to me when she is frightened. She likes my husband, but I was the one that took her out of the rescue, which wasn't a great situation in itself. So we bonded. It's funny, when he's around, often times, she's only her sweet side even with me, but if he leaves the room, she can revert immediately! Lol!

Dec 15, 2016
Thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for all the support. She and I are gradually learning each other and things are getting better. I had thoughts about some walks and the dog park but dang it's cold!
The reason I was so concerned was that when I asked my breeder about it, they said that she had been mellow and sweet and made it seem like I had ruined her.

Dec 15, 2016
Hyper NEW
by: Vicky & Jonah

PS. Remember if your routine needs to chg 2 months from now don't worry dogs r very adapting. Just rework ur schedule that's good for you & implement. They will adapt & in a couple days be in track.

Dec 15, 2016
Hyper NEW
by: Vicky & Jonah

Have you tried šŸš¶walks? If you can 3 a day. B4 breakfast, lunch, evening. Now she is still young & bones growing so u want to be careful their not to long. 5 mins going, 5 mins coming back.

Plus schedule play times waiting at least an hour after eating for playtime in or outside of ball, frizbee etc. Again being young the attn span is short so 5-10 mins.

Dogs love schedules. If they eat, play, pee, poop, train at certain times u can set ur clock by them coming to see u.

Last get out to a dog park that has a small dog šŸ• section & let her run & play once or twice a week.

Dec 10, 2016
The zoomies NEW
by: Pamela

Yup, the zoomies. My dog still does at 4 . Less than before but consistently still. It is very funny. I just don't buy into it anymore. I sit , let him run it off and as long as he doesn't nip ( the excitement ) I toss him a ball to distract him. He loves running after the ball, so stops zooming and we play catch until he's done and needs water. It works. Have fun with your pup ! Sounds adorable and normal.

Dec 09, 2016
Hyper NEW
by: sherry cotton candie

Is she destructive hyper or just playing?? She is young and I would worry if she didn't run and want to play. Like a healthy child pups are active, want to chew up things. Sounds great that she is doing so well being potty trained--that sure makes it easier.

Are you doing crate training? Does she have a space that she goes when she does wind down and wants to rest? I never used a crate for them but lots do and say it makes it easy and comfortable for their pups.

Good luck with her but if she is not destructive sounds like just a normal little dog. Age will calm her down, do you walk her daily at least twice--maybe 15 minutes or so at a time unless she really wants to continue.

This breed seems to have what they call "zoomies" where they just go crazy running and jumping, mine would do it a couple times a day just running thru the house and around the furniture like she was being chased, jumping on and off the couch. Really pretty funny.

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