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Coton Connection, Issue #102 - Your Voice Matters: Unveiling Your Chosen Coton Topics and Site Updat
October 25, 2023
Welcome Coton Lovers:

Poll Results: You Surprised Me

Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll last month, indicating what you’d like to learn more about the Coton. Based on the type of questions I usually receive, I assumed most of you would have new puppy questions, but as you can see from the graph below, I was dead wrong!

Most of you are interested in grooming, enrichment activities, anxiety, and senior dog care. That’s why I periodically ask what’s important to you - because my assumptions stink :)

Thanks for your input. You can do this quick poll anytime here.

Since grooming was the number one response, that’s where I focused my efforts this month on the website. You can check out new articles and updates at the links below. And there’s plenty more to come!

Hot Off the Press: What’s New on the Blog?

How to Be a Lifesaver for Your Dog: Top First Aid Tips and More

Emergencies happen when we least expect them, and the stakes seem to get higher during the holidays. With Halloween next week and Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah right behind, this is a great time to prepare for unexpected emergencies for your Coton.

As a dog mom to a Coton with a host of health issues, I’ve spent my fair share in emergency rooms in the middle of the night with Lucy. There’s nothing worse than seeing your dog in pain and not being able to help.

If your dog faces an emergency, staying calm and knowing what to do can make all the difference.

Here are some essential tips to help you stay prepared.

Keep Calm and Focused Panicking won't help you or your dog. It's natural to be upset when your pet is in pain, but keeping a level head will make it easier for you to help them effectively. I have learned that the worst thing I can do for Lucy is to express my worry and anxiety. She feels it so deeply and that’s the last thing I want.

Approach Carefully Pets in pain may act out of character. Approach them slowly, talk softly, and let them see you. Lucy is the sweetest girl, but she starts nipping at the cat when she’s in pain. This is an indicator to me that she needs help. If needed, use a blanket to cover your pet's head as you check for injuries.

Assess and Act Examine your pet for wounds or unusual spots. If you see excessive bleeding, use a towel, bandage, or even a sanitary pad to absorb it and apply pressure.

Check ABCs If your pet is unresponsive, remember ABC: Airway, Breathing, Circulation. Make sure their airway is clear, check for breathing, and assess their pulse.

Call Your Vet Always contact your vet when an emergency occurs. They can guide you on immediate steps and prepare for your arrival, if necessary.

Food and Drink Don't give your pet food or water unless your vet says it's okay. You could make the situation worse.

Be Prepared with a First Aid Kit Having a pet-specific first aid kit can be a lifesaver. Stock it with bandages, wound dressings, a tick remover, and even a foil blanket. Keep this kit both at home and in your car.

Store your vet's contact details in your phone Keep emergency contact info readily accessible at home. Time is of the essence in emergencies. Why do emergencies seem to always happen after hours? Make sure to keep emergency hospital contact information available in your phone.

Learn Pet CPR. Understanding how to perform CPR on pets can be a life-saving skill.

Pet Summits is hosting a 1-day online workshop with Dr. Nicole Rous, which will provide a deep dive into pet first aid. It blends conventional treatments with holistic approaches, so you have multiple options for various emergencies.

I’m an affiliate of Pet Summits and I attended their workshop on pet anxiety and learned so much, so I’m confident that this will be invaluable information as well. They’re having an early bird discount through October 29.

You can learn more and sign up here.

Coton Spotlight

Any grooming DIYers here? You can follow Dakota’s journey as his dad learns to groom him at home. Check out Dakota’s story here.

Say hello to Jack. His mom, Heather, says he’s a goofball. And he’s not a fan of technology!. Say hello to Jack here.

Lucy Update. My little trooper is going to rehab now because of an old injury they think may have happened when she was a puppy. She recently started walking slow and having trouble jumping onto the couch. She’s slowly getting better, and this is a picture of her looking totally cool in her glasses for laser therapy.

Fun with AI

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You can learn more about the Meet the Cotons book here.

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