Welcome Coton Lovers:

Happy Holidays
Just a short newsletter this month to wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. We are so fortunate to share our lives with these lively, loving dogs and I'm looking forward to connecting with you all again next year.
Holiday Tips
- We all love our dogs and I'm betting most of our Cotons will be spoiled rotten this holiday season, but don't forget what our dogs want most from us is our time and attention, especially during this very busy time of year.
- If you're looking for a great way to help animals that has a significant impact, the holidays are the perfect time to remember your favorite dog charities. Donating your time or money this year can really make a difference in a pet's life. You can volunteer to walk shelter dogs, donate some of your used pet items (toys, food, beds), or give money to pet charities that rely on donations to help animals.
- If you want to help the Coton de Tulear in particular, you can donate money to UCARE (Coton rescue organization) or buy the 2012 Coton calendar from the American Coton Club where the money goes to support health testing and educational programs for the Coton.
- Make sure your Coton's dog food isn't on the recall list. Instead of listing all the latest recalls, here is a link where you can get all the information. I suggest getting on their mailing list so you will always be notified when a new recall is announced. I was quite surprised to see that Luc's favorite chicken jerky treats were on the list. I always had these on hand for Luc since these satisfied his chewing needs and I thought they were all natural and safe. Needless to say, these treats went in the trash!
- I love shopping online. It's so fast and convenient and I love having packages come right to my door without having to deal with crowds and traffic. If you're going to shop online this holiday (or any time) sites like Coupon Gravy are a fantastic way to save money. You save as much as 30% on major retailers just by entering a coupon code. See if your favorite stores offer coupons.
Happy Birthday Wishes:
Happy Birthday wishes go out to special Cotons who celebrate birthdays this month:
- Jonah Dec 6
- Little Boy Dec 13
- Harley Dec 13
- Spanky Dec 18
- Wilson Dec 19
- Emma Dec 22
- Sparkle Dec 25
- Tucker Dec 26
- Tuffy Dec 26
- Heathcliff Dec 27
- Poppy Dec 27
- Zoey Dec 30
- Trilly Dec 31
Want your Coton to get special birthday attention? It's easy; just join our Birthday Club.
Coton Connection
Meet the Cotons
Stop by and meet the new Cotons here. You can brag about your Coton any time.
Coton Videos
Now we have another way to show off our Cotons. Do you have a video you'd like to share? You can submit videos here. Or just take a break and just enjoy videos that others have submitted.
Coton Questions
Do you have a question about your Coton? You can see all the Coton questions submitted here.
Help or Get Help!
Join us on Facebook
Say hello on our Facebook page where you can share more pictures, stories, questions, and comments with each other any time. Need a lift? A quick smile? You have to stop by and browse all the recent Facebook photos - I dare you not to smile!!
Thanks for sharing!
Cool Coton Products
Check out our "Cool Coton" products:
I love hearing from you! You can contact me any time here.
Gale and Luc