6 year old Coton marking in the house

by Ed

We have a problem with our 6 yr old Coton marking in the house. We got him a year ago from a family that could not give him the frequent company he needed. He seems to mark when he is agitated about something within the household. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Sep 27, 2024
Redirect NEW
by: Anonymous

Redirect the behavior

Sep 27, 2024
Marking Questions NEW
by: Gale

I understand your frustration, especially since it can be a challenging when it's related to emotional triggers.

I’m assuming since you feel this behavior is triggered by stress, that there are no medical issues.

-Has he been neutered? This significantly reduces marking in male dogs.

-What brings on his agitation? Is there anything you can do to help eliminate these stressors for him? (Changes in routine, visitors, etc). Routines are super important for anxious dogs.

-Have you done any training with him? It can be more challenging for older dogs but it’s definitely worth the time and patience it takes to eliminate the marking behavior. Positive reinforcement every time he goes outside, and constant supervision until he’s trained inside. If you catch him in the act, just calmly redirect him outside and praise and reward. Yelling and punishment only increase the anxiety.

-Do you have good cleaning products so he isn’t attracted to the scents inside the house?

-Have you tried any stress-relieving aids? Here’s an article that has lots of ideas. https://www.coton-de-tulear-care.com/calming-a-dog-with-anxiety.html ( CBD has worked wonders for my Lucy )

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