Coton de Tulear Dog
Freqently Asked Questions

Because the Coton de Tulear dog is such a rare breed, it can be challenging sometimes to find information. I thought it would be beneficial to share some of the more common questions I receive about the Coton dog.

Some of the questions I’ve tried to answer and some answers have come from other Coton dog owners sharing their knowledge.

Please feel free to add your own comments or ask a question so we can all learn about this wonderful dog from each other. Or, you can just learn by reading what other visitors have written.

Do you have questions about grooming, breeders, Coton traits, or anything else about the Coton dog? Ask your question here or you can answer questions submitted by others.

Do you have a question about the Coton de Tulear?

Do you have questions about grooming, breeders, Coton traits, or anything else about the Coton dog? Ask your question here or you can answer questions submitted by others.

Your Coton Dog Questions and Answers

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

What is the best collar for my coton so that he does not get matting on his neck 
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how …

How can I get my Coton to listen to me on walks? 
Louie is just about 7 months old. The breeder trained his litter to use a litter box with pine pellets, so I got one when I brought him home. He does …

How can I get my Coton to feel comfortable with guests 
Hi - I’ve got a beautiful 11 month old Coton who I adore. I’ve never been so in love with a dog. She’s so sweet and funny and affectionate. UNTIL someone …

What could have been the cause of the sudden of my Coton de Tulear? 
What could have been the cause of sudden death in my coton? She was 7 weeks shy of her 14th birthday and died very suddenly. Besides bad teeth which …

How can I get my Coton to stop putting things in his mouth on walks? 
Louie is just over 3 months old. When I get him outside for a walk and to get him potty trained, he tends to pick things up to chew. Because he's so close …

6 year old Coton marking in the house 
We have a problem with our 6 yr old Coton marking in the house. We got him a year ago from a family that could not give him the frequent company he needed. …

My 3 yr old coton de tulear poops in the house  
My 3 yr old coton de tulear poops in the house every day or two even though she gets lots of yard time. I am really getting tired of this. How can I keep …

Seeking advice for a Coton de Tulear with skin problem and tummy troubles 
My Coton called Roxy is 7 years old. She’s developed skin problems on her back with the fur thinning and she gets sores/scabs at the base of her back. …

Does anyone else's Coton have mitral valve regurgitation? 
My darling Coton, Charlie, 9 years old has been diagnosed with advanced heart disease, specifically mitral valve regurgitation. I have an appointment …

Dark brown eye staining 
My coton is almost 5 years old and for the past year she has had terrible brown eye staining. The vet says it is allergies but it never gets better even …

Is my dog a Coton de Tulear or a Maltese? 
So I bought a dog from someone and they were saying that she's a maltese, but she's too tall to be a maltese. So I was searching why is she so tall and …

What is your experience with anesthesia for your Coton? 
My Coton needs dental work. She has to go under anesthesia and I wondered if anyone else had any issues with this process. Thank you

When should I neuter my 5 month old Coton? 
He's five and a half months old right now and I was told to have him neutered at six months, but the vet who gave him the vaccinations said 6-8 months, …

How can I calm my dog and stop her licking? 
My 10lb. , 12-year-old Coton has become nervous and reactive and constantly licking her leg or me. What can I do to calm her down and stop the licking? …

Has your Coton experienced IVDD? 
I was wondering if any Coton parents have experienced IVDD. Our 5 year old female had emergency surgery for a herniated disc in April and was completely …

My 5yr old has been diagnosed with lymphoma of the liver…  
Anyone have any experience with this??

Vomiting water 
Maggie is a sweet energetic Coton,but she vomits water once a day after drinking it. She’s a picky eater. I’ve had her on chicken, EN, Orijen, wet and …

Daisey is 1 year old and still mouths everything! I mean everything. She's eaten 4 rugs, many pairs of underclothes she gets from closets, washcloths, …

Buffy has been diagnosed with CUSHINGS , she is 7 years old which is uncommon for young dogs to get. Usually dogs are older. Cotons aren’t suppose to …

Distinguishing Coton puppies from similar breeds (ie Maltese) 
Hello everyone, First of all, I just want to thank everyone for answering this question. I recently brought home a puppy that I special ordered …

How can I help my dog who is afraid of noises? 
My Coton, Romeo, is very scared of noises thunder, fireworks etc He shakes all over! It’s gets really bad. Any suggestions on what to give him. The vet …

Why is my 10 week old coton breathing so rapidly 
I’m not sure why my Cotons is breathing so rapidly? What could be causing this? Is it anxiety?’

9 week orphan puppies eating 
9 week old orphan Coton de tulears 7 of & survived and I would like to try and start weaning from gruel to kibble

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Tear staining 
I have 3 Coton girls…2 all white. They are having terrible tear staining.Have tried everything, nothing works. Bottled water always. When I took them to …

Are Cotons very attached to their owners? 
My Coton is very attached to me. She won’t leave the sofa unless I do. Follows me everywhere. I want her to get more exercise

What to feed, and should I get another Coton? 
I love reading about all the different Cotons. I would love to hear more about what people are feeding their cotons. Mia is a year old and my vet recommended …

Veterinarian vs Breeder 
What do you do when you get conflicting information from the vet and the breeder? My vet said to get my Coton spayed at 8 or 9 months prior to first …

Bella started playing with the neighbor's cat. The cat was attempting to use the doggie door. Bella came into the house, got her biggest stuffed animal …

end of life 
My coton is 16 turning 17 in December. He is now eating less, lethargic and drinking water only and small treats but not too much. Legs are wobbly. He …

Our Coton bitch is 16 she has a large wart on her neck which sometimes bleeds.  
We have had skin tags removed in the past but we don’t want to stress her as she has heart problem. The wart doesn’t bother her. The bled usually happens …

At what age is the Coton typically potty trained?  
Our Coton is 3/12 months and she is a sweetheart. We have a crate inside a large pen area. Also in there is a litter box. This is what the breeder used …

Good chewing options for new puppy 
What can you give 8 week old Coton puppy to chew on besides a toy

Re-homing a15 yr old Coton 
I am having to move where I cannot take my pet. She is deaf, has an enlarged heart and severe separation anxiety. I just need advice.

I need any suggestions on a Coton’s tail was shaved... 
My Charlies tail was shaved by the vet bc it had a part of it that was matted due to wind & salty water at the beach. Vet advised matted part could get …

almost 9 week old puppy afraid of food bowl 
We just got a Coton puppy this past Monday. He's on the sensitive side. He was doing well with eating out of a bowl and our hands when we brought him home. …

Apartment dog ? 
I love my Abby. She is 22 months old. She is very well behaved and has been to formal training classes four times. My problem is she goes bezerk without …

Can I leave my Coton at home for 5-6 hours?  
Im thinking about getting one. Will it sleep while I'm gone for 6 hours? Help needed Thanks

Second puppy? 
I have a 5-month old coton male puppy and am in line to get a second one in three months. Would it be better to wait until my first puppy is older before …

Just adopted 
Just adopted 1.5 year old female Coton from owner. What can I expect the first couple of days? What is the most effective way to gain trust, and make her …

Burping or Gurgling  
Hi, Our 3 yr. pld male burps or gurgles quite often. Not just after meals. I worry about acid hurting his esophagus. Has anyone else has this issue? It's …

Anxious and aggressive on walks 
My Luna is 3 years old. She gets very anxious when we go on walks and will bark randomly at people, other dogs and sometimes even lunge at them. At home …

Testicular cysts  
My 10 month old male coton had one smaller testicle, with a pea sized cyst, has anyone had this before?

Shocked at my sweet Coton's aggressiveness suddenly.... 
My 2 yr old Coton, who has always been playful and friendly, has suddenly started nipping at other dogs and then did the same to a little neighbor girl. …

Black Coton 
I am expecting my all black coton on 1/16/21, and I am very excited. Any advice? Is it true that he may turn color as he grows up and become all gray or …

Puppy Personality-How to pick a puppy when you can't physically see the pup 
I will be purchasing a Coton puppy from a breeder in another state. I have to choose a young puppy just a few weeks old and not weaned yet. I cannot …

Strange "gurgle" sound from our Coton 
Hi, Our Jordy is a 2 1/2 yr.old male. Ever since he was just a couple of months old, he would make a strange "gurgle" sound that is a little different …

Ringo licks toy after eating  
My boy will immediately lick his favorite toy right after he finishes eating. Has anyone heard of that before

Coton head moves 
Hi everyone I’m want to ask you all if you’re coton by any chance suffers of weirds moves back and for which last for few seconds and this is all Day …

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What age is best to take a Coton from his mom? 
We are getting a bee puppy- the breeder will release him after 8 weeks but says staying longer with mom is better. Just want to do the best for our new …

coat question 
Hi i just got mi coton a couple of weeks. I see that the coat is very thin and kind of silky in comparison with other puppies ive seen on the web …

New habits for my older dog 
I have a 14.5 year old Coton named Monty. He is an lovely little guy! Lately Monty has picked up some new habits, such as whining for company when he …

Shy Tito 
We have a five month old and he is incredibly smart and affectionate to all of our family but extremely shy around strangers and has been that way since …

Question about neutering 
Will my 18 month old boy's personality change after he is neutered? Will he continue to be the same playful and silly boy he is now? Also, someone told …

Do Coton’s bark a lot ?  
We had a Maltese that would bark when anyone walked in the room and then keep barking for a while. It was like she would get startled. Also when on a …

Is a 9 year old female Coton too old to adopt? 
1.She was a breeder until about 3 years ago. 2.Has an allergy to vaccinations. 3.She needs her teeth cleaned really bad and at least 1 tooth pulled. …

Why did Jake die so suddenly? 
Haley is gone 6 years now but I still wonder what went wrong. He had a good walk at 10:30pm, bound up the stairs when we came home and seemed to be in …

Ear infection 
Bozley has a recurring ear infection. Looks like coffee grounds. Been to vet for drops , insert, meds....still comes back. Are Cotons prone to this …

Is this normal? 
Hi my coton is a-year-old. His front legs are shorter than his hind legs. Is this typical for the dog breed? Should I be concerned?

My coton (age 9) developed really bad breath - teeth cleaning ideas? 
Poor little girl has developed the worst stench in her breath over the last year or so. No changes in food or activities. I've never really brushed her …

Worrisome sounds 
Hi there! My Coton Gigi just turned 14. I’m very worried about her as she has developed this very weird new condition. I’ll try to describe and look forward …

Gray skin blotches 
I have a wonderful Coton named Cameron. He is 7 years old. Last year he started getting dark gray blotches on his belly from the size of a nickel to larger …

Ear standing up 
My Coton will be 4 months old this coming Saturday. Her left ear is almost always standing up. I noticed a little bit of her right ear starting to stand …

Coton cough 
When my 5 month old Coton gets to running in circles, or is jumping a lot, she starts to cough. It doesn't last long but freaks me out when it happens. …

Temperament differences between girls and boys 
Is there a temperament difference between girls and boys in the breed? My hubby thinks all males of any breed are more crazy, but I've had a couple of …

Female Coton heat cycle question 
My female coton was a rescue she was a breeder dog at a puppy mill and I’m not sure when her next heat cycle will be but now has a smell of fishy, but …

How to help my Coton attach to me.  
We just got a Coton. Right now my kids and I are at school during the school day (I am a teacher). My brother is living with us temporarily, And he will …

Meds for ticks 
I tried Advantix flea and tick liquid you put on their back. It made Charlie sick and I gave him a bath the same night to try to get it off. What do other …

Our 14 year old coton is recently deaf, any suggestions? He’s responding very well to hand commands 
Our 14 year old coton is recently deaf, any suggestions? He’s responding very well to hand commands

How can you get your coton to get along with a 4 year old cat? 
My coton who is only 8 months old is so aggressive she scares the cat and the cat takes off running to hide. Will they ever be able to be loose in the …

Coton de Tulear / Havernese mix.  
My Coton/Havernese is 8 l/2 years old. Four years ago she had a bought of hemoragic gastrointeritis, she recovered with antibiotics Metronidazole, however …

Snarling when performing tricks 
My Gracie is an 11 year old Coton who has always loved to perform her tricks for treats. Lately when I go through her routine ("Wag Your Tail", "Sneeze"yes,

Why my coton is licking her bum 
Periods of restlessness, discomfort, licking her bum concerned me. The vet penetrated her to release the fluid that wasn't being released during her bowel …

Lathargic 9 year old  
Of course they get sick or act up on the weekend or now that vet office is closed. Yesterday one of my 3, a female, wouldn't eat not even a treat …

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how far to walk a 13-year old coton 
we have new dog walkers. they sometimes go 3 miles - twice/week. in addition, she is walking in a group of 4-5 dogs, most of whom are bigger than she …

Excitement Peeing 
Hi, I have a 10 month old sweet baby girl who pees just a bit when someone comes into the house or outside. I have tried ignoring her for a bit when …

Excitment Peeing 
my 10 month old baby girl continues to experience excitement peeing. She had it before being spaded and it continued after as well I have tried everything …

Need to change dog food because she isn't gaining weight. 
My very small Coton isn't able to gain weight, as a matter of fact she has lost some and the vet suggested changing her food. We tested for parasites …

About weight 
My coton is three months old, weighs 3 1/2 lbs. Is this normal?

slightly Lame our 'Truffles' 
we are experiencing our 'truffles' being slightly lame on her front right leg, but only when she's been resting, so it's when she gets up for a few minutes. …

We are getting our 8wk old coton in a couple of weeks. Any advice on special treatment for the first night after a long drive from the breeders? 
We are picking up our 8 wk old coton in a couple of weeks. Any suggestions on things we should do the first night after a long drive from the breeders. …

Do you know a good vet near Surprise Az 
Teddy has lots of hot spots been to 3 different vets all have different answers

Do Coton De Tulear puppies have sensitive GI tracts? 
I have had my puppy since Sept. 10, at which time she was a little over 3 months old.. She has had two episodes of diarrhea, one with vomiting, since I …

Do some Cotons have "freckles"? 
My white Coton has all these large freckle-looking, round, light yellow splotches all over his skin. Is this common?

My Coton is 8.3kg 4, yrs old. Is she true Coton? 
On purchasing my poppy just over 3 yr ago, I wasn’t given kc papers, nor was I ever shown papers for her parents. The owner explained she didn’t want the …

How do I find a reputable Coton breeder here in Florida. Reputable is the key word 
My husband and I live on the west coast of Florida. We are looking for a reputable Coton breeder here in Florida, or in one of our neighboring states. …

Can you share your homemade anti-inflammatory food recipes? 
My 11 year old Coton Gracie is having some joint issues. Would love to know what the anti inflammatory recipes are you are feeding Luc.

What would cause involuntary head/neck thrusting in a coton puppy 
My 4 mo coton pup has started making involuntary head/neck thrusts from a sitting position. There is no apparent pain or sensitivity associated with it. …

Aging Coton in health decline 
I have a Coton that I rescued from a shelter when he was 10 yrs old. Needless to say, I adore him. He is approaching 15 years old. His health is deteriorating. …

My Coton is very shy 
I have a 4 yr old Coton. I got him when he was 9 weeks old. He has always been very shy and timid. Unfortunately it's just my husband and I as his family. …

Will my Coton ever stop crying? 
My Coton is about nine months old and he cries whenever there is any barrier between us (a low gate, a closed door, etc.). It goes on and on and on. In …

do they have a prob chewing? 
1 yr, 1 mo Female white and some beige, and some little black. We got Angel at 5 mo., she loves paper (TP house, documents, and anything close to ground. …

Need help for dog peeing in dog sitter's house 
Help, Higgins just turned a year old, he has not gone in house for some time now. BUT, took him to dog sitter while we vacationed for one week and he pee’d …

bites at tail 
She is very protective of her tail and will nip at me if I try to touch her tail. Seems like something is biting her as she bites at it viciously. She …

New puppy - I'm nervous! 
Hi everyone, I am going to bring home my new Coton puppy home in a week and I am very nervous. I have been watching lots of youtube videos on puppy training, …

When is a Coton no longer a puppy? 
When is my Coton no longer considered a puppy, i.e., 9 mos., 12 mos., 18 mos., etc.

Are Cotons good swimmers? 
We have a 3 month old male and we have a swimming pool. Obviously at this age we watch him very closely but we still worry about him falling in the pool. …

Doggie smell 
Do the coton dogs have any doggie smell?

Why won’t my 1 yr old coton’s ears stay down 
My 1 yr old coton’s ears will not stay down. Wondering if maybe I let his hair grow longer over his ears if that would help. Is this something that goes …

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Constant nose to the ground  
My Coton has her nose to the ground smelling everything. We travel extensively which changes our location. Is this normal for a 8 month old puppy.

Our coton only wants to eat alone in the dark 
We have a very assertive (not aggressive) cat when it comes to food who WILL, if allowed, eat ANYONE'S food, including humans. The cat and dog belong to …

What to feed my Coton 
I am wondering what kind of dog food to feed my sweet boy Romeo. He doesn't like much dog food but if I give him rice peas carrots and ground beef. He …

Has anyone done a DNA breed test on a purebred Coton?  
Has anyone done a DNA breed test on a purebred Coton? We bought our second cotton (from same breeder as our first) and our first Coton seemed to possess …

How to encourage Coton with neck,pain to eat 
Our Coton stops eating after a few bites and needs to be hand fed sometimes. We use a small plate now and not a doggy dish. Any suggestions. It doesn’t …

About weight of puppy. 
Is my puppy Underweight? She is 9 and one half months now and she weighs 8 lb 6.4 oz. She has only gained 4 oz in the past month. She is a picky eater. …

Seeking Coton boot or shoe advice 
My Coton's front right paw is dragging and is sore and nails inflamed. I'm having trouble finding boots/shoes that would help cushion his paw. welcome …

Has anyone had a problem with pancreatitis? 
My coton is 4 years old and I thought he wasn't going to make it. Before it was over he had HGE - hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. He was a sick little boy. …

Is this breed prone to cancer 
Vet noticed a protuberance o my 11 yr old female coton... she gave me a grim prognosis... she did not do any blood tests and referred me to a specialist …

Is it okay to hold/lift a grown up Coton de Tulear? 
I have a beautiful young lady called, Samantha. She is 2½ year old. I am wondering if it would be okay to hold/lift her. She REALLY enjoys to be held, …

Is my dog a coton 
My dog was a rescue from a bad situation, she was passed from 4 different places before she finally made it to me, she was purchased from i guess a breeder, …

My puppy doesn't have a sweet temperament like other Cotons 
She isnt that sweet and when we play she growls all the time i think its just excited or so i read but now i am not sure ,she doesnt like to be left Alone …

Potty Training outside 
I'm a first time dog owner. My 6 month old, Baxter was potty trained by the breeder to pee/poop on a pee pad. When I walk him I try to get him to go outside …

Bald at birth 
Do the puppies often have “bald” patches on the bridge of the nose at birth? Thank you.

Heart problems and eating 
My little one, Angelique has heart problems and I’m having a hard time know what to feed ...she really doesn’t want to eat much...she is on medications …

My Coton walks from side to side instead of alongside me.  
When I take my 12 week old Coton outside I would like to take her for a walk but she criss crosses back and forth in front or behind me. She doesn't walk …

Best chewing toy for Coton? 
Hello: My 15 month old Coton,, Astro, still likes to chew his bed, his blanket etc. So we provide him with chewing toys to keep him occupied and away …

My coton and collapsing 
Our coton collapsed 2 times in one day. he would lay there for about 1 minute and then slowly get up. he would then seem normal. has any one heard of this …

car sickness 
My 7 month old coton always throws up in car. Traveling sometimes within 1/2 hour

flea, heartworm, and hair in the eyes 
I have a coton de tulear puppy she is 4 months old. I was told that giving her comfortis can kill her.I am looking for a flea med that will do both flea …

Is it ok to keep my coton in a garage when i'm at work? 
I'm asking because of the room temperature.I want my coton to have enough space and the garage is big, have enough light through the day but in winter …

Puppy teeth 
Hello, my Coton Toby is 7 months old. I would like to know if he will still lose some of his puppy teethes in the coming months and when he will have all …

Can a coton be born with all black hair 
We just purchased a coton but it is almost all black. The breeder showed us the pictures of the mom and dad. They were white. There were a couple of …

When do Coton's testicles drop? 
I have a Coton his testicles haven't dropped - he is 7 months. He sees the vet regularly they have never mentioned it. His groomer did, what on earth? …

My breeder said not to do anal glands.... I followed her counsel.... 
Then a groomer overstepped...their authority and did anal glands on my Coton .... my dog hardly ate for...about 5 vet says she thinks …

My coton Comet is always chewing on his paws 
My coton Comet is always chewing on his paws. The fur around the spot where the claws meet the pads have turned a color like this (View link below). No …

Are there any Houstonians with Cotons?  
Hello, I have a Coton with a few minor problems, nothing big but I still would like to understand (and possibly fix) them. I'd like to start a Cotons lovers …

How often do they need to be walked? 
I am thinking of getting a Coton de Tulear puppy but I need to know for sure how many times a day do they need to be walked? I don’t want to stress out …

Coton skin 
I adopted my Coton from a rescue. She is 19 lbs, and has pink skin with brown patches on her skin (not hair, the cottony hair is all white). Other than …

coton health 
My 7 year old coton. My vet has told me that she has high enzyme count and treating her with Denamarin. I gave the pills for 30 days but the count still …

What to do if the dog starts shaking 
My dog Macy was laying down then started trying to get my attention and all of a sudden started shaking and breathing fast

why my Coton keeps his ear(s) up? 
nothing more specific he just keeps mostly one ear up and sometimes both it doesn't bother me, I'm just curious - I've never seen other dogs doing that …

Adopting 2 males from the same litter? 
I bought my male Coton and he is now 12.5 weeks old. I've had him for 5 weeks. His male brother (litter mate) is available and we are thinking of bringing …

Nipping Triscuit 
I have had some incidents with Triscuit nipping people coming in the house,and thought it was under control. The doorbell rang and I had to go out the …

Ever since my Coton was neutered and microchipped in April he has continually gotten scabs on him.They just appear all of a sudden, mainly behind his ear, …

New puppy questions - separation anxiety, sleeping etc.  
We are bringing home a Coton puppy very soon. I have a few questions for all you seasoned Coton owners. I work from home part time so I will be with …

My coton prefers sleeping on tile floors 
My coton pants often and prefers to sleep on tile floors instead of crate or dog bed. Is this a normal behavior.

Skin pimenatation under the coat 
She has darker patches of skin that are clear when she's wet or has had a summer cut Is this normal? My vet seems to think it's nothing to worry …

Crazy dog behavior 
My Coton is about 5 years old. I suspect she wasn't socialized enough as a puppy because when we are walking and she sees another dog she goes crazy...barking …

front feet of Coton 
Please see the attached picture of the 8 month old Coton pup that we rescued last week whoes owners could no longet take care off him. Looking at him, …

Groomer shaved his eyelashes and hair very close to eyes 
Usually the groomer is great I'll let her know how I like it. No shaving on face just scissor cut. Today she shaved so close to his eyes that the black …

Digestive care & Coton 
Hello, Just last week we rescued a 8 month old Coton puppy whose owners could no longer take care of him. When he came to us we were told he was just …

our 7 month old bitch pup is loosing her coat at an alarming rate 
we are worried at how thin her 7 month old bitch pup coat has become without any signs of adult coat coming through

I rescued my dog a year ago. she is a sweet, affectionate dog. BUT the issue is that she is constantly pooping and peeing in the house. i have tried …

Going Potty #2 
Does anyone's dog do this when they are going #2? Jasmine goes in circles. First one way and then another, about 10 times before she finds the right …

Should I still adopt a puppy if I have to take a weekend trip 2 months later. 
My Family and I have been thinking about getting a puppy this summer for a while now. I found a breeder who will be having puppies soon. However we have …

Important questions BEFORE buying a Coton puppy 
Dear Everyone, Me and my family are about to buy our first dog ever and we are absolutely in love with this particular breed not just for its looks, …

Tell me about "heat" cycles for cotons 
How long are coton females in heat? I don't want to breed but have two females 7 months old

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Head shaking  
Our year old male coton started having short episodes of involuntary head shaking. He's had them mostly when he's lying down and lifts his head but during …

Snorting when barking? 
When barking at something, say the doorbell for example. My coton will bark 4 times then make a loud snorting sound, then continue her barking. She has …

We have two. One just turned one year old, the other 5 months old. Same parents,both Female. The older has a bad jealousy problem. How to handle it. …

Curvy arm bones? 
I am the loving owner of Snowy, a pure bred Coton...I want to ask: has anyone noticed that the bones of the forearms of a Coton are a bit curving to the …

My Coton has developed moles  
I've noticed over the past few years a few new moles on my coton. They are pinkish in color and have not changed in color but they have grew over the past …

Dog DNA Test 
We recently brought a small dog into our family from a woman who traveled a lot and felt she was making her dog'S life miserable. He was supposed to be …

Our Mr. pip is 6 months old. He seems very aggressive around other dogs.daughters dog.  
Wondered if this is a trait of this breed and if others have found this. He is good around people. And our grandchildren. Makes me nervous at our puppy …

Has anyone had experience with trachea collapse in their Coton? 
My little girl is now 6 years old. When she was about 4 she started coughing which sounds like a fog horn or goose. We rub her throat and give her water …

Does anyone have experience with ACL surgery or thrust knees? 
Hi....I am an owner of a 2 and-a-half-year-old Coton, Boo. Boo injured her left hind leg in September, spent most of September/October "down" six/seven …

Why won't my Coton curl her tail? 
My Coton won't curl her tail over her back. She wags it, but it is down.

Sad news. 
I am so upset! After about a year of trying to find out what is wrong with my little girl..9 yrs. call last night after more blood work.came …

What should I expect my new Coton De Tulear puppy be like? 
Will he cry the first night? Will he be shy? Will he want to sleep with me or will he be more standoffish at first? What age should I expect a Coton to …

Why is she shaking? 
My Coton de Tulear is 9 yrs old and weighs 18 pounds. A few times a day she shakes/trembles and pants for 10 to 30 minutes. This started a month ago. …

4 year old male Coton just started marking in house. HELP 
4 year old Coton totally potty trained has started marking in house. Has been medically checked - no problem. Started on anti-depressants. This is a real …

Ia a Malagasy Coton different from a "regular" Coton? 
What is the difference between a Malagasy Coton and a "regular" Coton? This has been very confusing for us and we would like to know exactly how the two …

My sweet little Zoe 
I have a health question for the group. My Zoe is 1 & 1/2 years old. We moved to a new town in the fall and I took her to a new vet for her shots. The …

Does your dog sleep on your bed? 
Tuffy is used to sleeping with me on my bed. I used to have a dog bed for him in the corner of the kitchen that he would snuggle in during the day, but …

Are reddish eyes anything for concern? 
Our Coton has reddish looking eye lenses. She has brownish discoloration around her eyes. I do not know if the two things are related. The vet checked …

injuries to my Coton 
I have a four year old white Coton that has a right hind leg torn ligament and they want to do surgery. Has anybody had this done to thier dog and does …

New Puppy Questions 
Getting a new Coton tomorrow. Breeder has 5 children and is not easy to access. I am so lost as to what shampoo to buy, food, type of brush...just the …

Where do I find the answers to all the questions every one has ask about their cotons ? 
Where are the answers located from all of everyone's questions about their cotons? I would like to see your answers- it may help me learning about my dog …

My puppy Jaydee has taken to growling at me when I put his harness on or at times when I go to pick him up . He was ok till recently he's being neutered …

Butt Licking 
Need advice on treating butt licking that is staining the anal area in my 4 1/2 year old boy. He eats gluten free food. His anal glands are not full. …

Questions I can't find answers to 
Thank you for assisting me by answering my questions. First Question: At what stage of a puppy do you know what colour it will be. For example: if they …

Does your Coton have giant platelets? 
I know giant platelets are common in Cavalier K.C spaniels but didn't know cotons could have them.

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Is there a way to tell if Coton was abused by previous owner? 
We adopted our Coton 3 years ago. Indy is now 6. We still have many issues with him. We wonder if he was abused by his previous owner. Can anyone tell …

Do males mark in the house? 
Also, as I am just starting out on this adventure to purchase a pup, I would love to hear opinions about the differences in personality between male and …

Crate training, is it possible with this breed ? 
Hi, I just got a new puppy a week and a half ago. His name is Beny and he's 3-1/2 months old. There so much to learn about him and he's been such a joy …

Ear hair 
Does it hurt the dog to pull hair from the ears during grooming? My Coton has gotten ear infections from too much hair and I am wondeting if the groomer …

Crate size 
I am getting my Coton in a few weeks and am debating what size crate to get. I plan to use this particular wire crate when I will be gone during the day …

puppy nose pigment 
If my puppy's nose is black at the tip but otherwise pink will it turn black as he gets older?

10 year old white coton suddenly develops red stains, eye,mouth,paw,tail 
My coton has always been snow white due to extra special care of water, no food from China, etc. etc. Recently developed red stain on eyes, paws, mouth, …

My coton Bill is 5 years old. He put on 5 lb extra weight and the vet told me to put him on a diet. He gets 1/4 cup twice daily and a biscuit morning …

My 10 month Coton is waking up earlier and earlier due to feeding change. 
My Coton de tulear is 10 months old. Due to recent intestinal issues, our vet recommended we feed her twice a day instead of one time. We walk her at …

My Coton is 10 mos old and became pregnant.  
My Coton is 10 mos old and became pregnant. Being so young I'm very concerned. What are the ramifications of her pregnancy at such a young age? Please …

Do Cotons do better with another Coton? 
Just to bring you up to date, Bijou has had more tests done. He has elevated bile acids meaning he can't process his proteins as well as he needs to. We …

Psychological Impact of Having Dog's Tail Amputated for Medical Reasons 
My friend has a 9 year old Coton who is the light of her life. He is active, energetic, and adorable in every way. He is also generally very healthy. …

Does this breed run slightly sideways? 
I have two Cotons and they both run slightly sideways when going forward. is this normal for this breed?

Adult teeth when do coton's get them 
I Have a 14 week old puppy just wondering when his adult teeth are due. He does tend to bite and attack our legs but I know from previous experience this …

Do you know what these episodes could be? 
I have a 4 month old Coton Zorro that is full of personality! Sometimes he has these "episodes" where he looks like he is having these little spasms as …

Do cotons always carry their tails? 
We rescued a puppy, now four months old, and he never seems to carry his tail but the shelter thinks he is full coton. Could he still be full and not carry …

Barking at anything with four legs on TV 
Hi, My Coton barks at anything with four legs on television. Is there any way I can put an end to that. There are certain shows I can't watch anymore …

Need advice for submissive rescue Coton 
hi, I rescued a Coton, Celeste, last May. She was a puppy mill dog, this month is 9yrs. I have gotten her to walk around a little, go outside and come …

6 month old Coton is heaving 
My coton is about 6 months old now and I find her heaving a lot. Is this normal? It happens after she's been barking sometimes

New lump 
A nickel sized soft fleshy lump that moves on the spine mid body that just showed up. She doesn't react when I touch it or move it around. She is 5.This …

How often must my Coton have to go out to urinate per day? 
How often must my 1-1/2 year old go to urinate? Now she goes out 5-7 times a day, sometimes only for 2 seconds of urination. Is she "playing me", or does …

my 17 month old Coton barks when anyone walks past the house but outside he is just wonderful, never barks, plays with everyone. How do I stop this.

Bumps on skin surface  
My dog is six years old and had developed a few pimple size bumps and one a bit larger. Vet says they are skin tags and non life threatening so just going …

Puppy one day up next day down??? 
I just want to know if anyone else has issues with their pup being real active, energized, eating well for a few days or so and then they get up and don't …

Single birth puppy 
Hi my puppy was born a couple of days ago has anyone else had a single pup ? And when I bring it home and it gets older willi have any issues with it ? …

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Very timid and shy 
We LOVE our little Maddie. We got her at 9 weeks old. Bouncy, happy & playful. One day we were with her in the backyard, she heard a neighbor dog bark …

Why does my dog look for grass to eat? 
Why does my Coton look for grass to eat? He throws up afterward. Plus, he always is cleaning his feet. Im thinking allergies. I already have him on lamb …

Bladder stone followup 
Just wanted to let you all know that LeXi is now free of her large bladder stone I repoted four months ago. She went on Royal Canin O/S urinary dog food …

Shaker's Syndrome 
My 10 month old Coton de tulear suddenly started exhibiting tremors and shakes. Nothing has changed except that she shakes a lot. She is not feverish or …

Bad behavior with visitors 
Luc is almost one year old. I did have him in puppy school for a while and he knows the basic commands. My problem is that when someone comes to the door, …

Separation anxiety 
My dog Gracie is just short of being two years in April she's a very sweet loving well behaved dog . we since moved into a new apartment two months ago …

It's 21 degrees out side today can I take my puppy outside? 
She is 9 weeks old and it wouldn't be for long like 5 mins. I want to know is it safe?

Bump on the lip. Is it a pimple ? 
Bump on the upper lip. Is it a pimple ? Is it common?

12 week puppy biting hands, feet, legs or anything he can get a hold of. 
My little guy is 12 weeks now and I can not touch him without being chewed on, and it hurts. He will grab your pant leg, socks shoes anything he can reach …

My Coton's nose is not black 
My Coon's nose is not black like other Cotons. Is there a problem?

what size sherpa bag for 12 1/2 lb coton 
i am taking my coton on her first airplane flight and can't decide which sherpa bag to get. she is 12 1/2 lbs and seems a little tight in medium which …

Crate anxiety 
I have an 11 week old Coton. And I'm trying to crate train her. She flew in to us last week. The problem is that she completely loses it when we put …

Are we supposed to easily feel and see his spine ? 
Our Coton is so furry and fluffy that you cannot see his ribs unless you pet him. Then They are very noticeable as is his spine. He is a two year old that …

How can I get rid of the staining round my girls mouths?  
They have ceramic food and water bowls but I don't know what else I can do. I know there are products for tear stains but I haven't found anything for …

My 8 mth old Coton still eats stuff on the grass  
Is it normal at this age to still be eating whatever they fancy when sniffing the grass? I try to discourage Ollie from eating leaves, rocks, wood bits …

Backwards Sneezing 
I have a concern about my one year old Coton, being that she is making this awful noise periodically, that sounds like she is choking and one of my vets …

Woofing and barking 
My 3 year old Coton, Cameron, constantly "woofs" and barks. He can be totally relaxed and woofs about every 15 to 20 seconds When he is not woofing, he …

How do you stop coton from eating their own poop? (Ugh)? 
Fabulous dog in every way but this gross little habit gives me the shivers😝

I'm getting my 10 month male fixed soon because he is peeing in the house? Will this help and will he hate me? 
My 10 month old Coton is getting fixed. He's a wonderful dog but he is marking his territory in the house so the vet said we should get him fixed. So do …

Red bump  
I found a red bump on my dogs belly today and he has been scratching for probably about a month or so. What could that possibly be and should we take him …

When do these puppies lose their baby teeth? 
At what month/week do the puppies lose their baby teeth and should you brush baby teeth?

how to improve her bad breath 
My 11 month old coton has bad breath. any products that help it? thx

Change of behavior and shaking 
My 12 yr old Coton has been acting very needy and follows me wherever I go. In addition she is shaking (quivering). All labs, x-Ray, and ultrasound have …

I can't take my dog for walks, can this hurt his health? 
I have an almost 8 year old Coton de Tulear. I have a back injury and so my Coton does not get that many walks. He does play around the house a lot. Can …

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Is it okay to bring 2 weeks coton de tulear outside? 
My coton de tulear is about 2 weeks ago. I bring her home yesterday. Is it okay to bring her outside?

Castration conundrum 
My wonderful Coton, Roger, has a retained testicle. He is currently eighteen months old and we are so confused about whether to have him fully castrated …

Coat colour change? 
My 2 year old Coton Tilly was a tri colour when we got her and gradually turned white as the breeder said she would. Just recently her cream patches seem …

Urinary tract infection & struvites 
LeXi was diagnosed this week wth a urinary tract infection that included many struvites. The UTI is being treated with Clavomax for two weeks. This does …

Black nose turning brown?? 
It's end of October here in New England and I just noticed today that my boy's usual slick black nose is starting to turn a bit brown in the middle. I …

Great Dog With A Terrible Habit 
I have a two year old Coton named Haji. I have had him for five months. He is very adorable and very smart. He was not house trained nor leash trained …

territorial behavior 
Saylor Jane has within the last three months become very territorial over the couch with other dogs. She snaps and lunges after any other dog that even …

Adding a female vs male pup to my household with an existing 2-yr old male.  
Hello - I have a 2 year old male Coton. He's an active, spirited boy (some would say he's 'alpha' - a big dog in a little dog body) and he is the quintessential …

Dog on a plane. 
In the next couple of months I will be moving from Michigan to California. I plan to fly and take Jasmine (coton) and my siamese cat with me. I don't …

first day home 
She is traveling to me from NY to VA by plane and she is 12 weeks old. What's the most important thing to do when she enters my home for the first time? …

At what age should Coton puppies have their first teeth? 
Is it a problem that a Coton puppy does not have his teeth until 10 weeks?

my coton is drinking more water than usual and her urine is not yellow 
Up until a couple of weeks ago she maintained a very regular "schedule" for potty and peeing. Now she need to urinate more frequently and the urine has …

jealousy with a new dog 
Will my 20 months old coton de tulear, who is the love of the household feel insecure if we introduce a rescue coton?

My 12 week old coton doesn't bark, isn't playful and weighs only 2.5 lbs! All she does is lay around....should I be concerned? Vet visit tomorrow. 
She just lays around and follows us with her eyes. She was the runt of the litter. First vet visit tomorrow! Should I be concerned?

Getting 11 month old Coton: any suggestions? 
Hi all! We are getting an 11month old Coton. He was taken care of, as far as we know, and not neglected, but had 2 different owners and now is in a great, …

Bathing Question 
I have never owned one of these; my boyfriend was in Chicago and saw this fellow walking his Coton, my boyfriend asked him about the dog and the fellow …

A lot of what I call hot spots  
What can I do about the little hot spots on his body and paws?

Is it possible to get a coton that will weigh only 8 lbs as adult? 
We need a dog that is less than 10 lbs as an adult ... we are retired & need one that is easier to handle, doesn't shed, doesn't bark much, easy to train. …

Newly adopted adult Coton Only Loves Me - Will this improve? 
I adopted an almost three year old male Coton from a breeder. We have had him almost two months. The problem is he only loves me. He puts up with my husband. …

Do coton de tulear puppies cry a lot? 
I have a 10 week old female coton puppy. When she first sees me, she cries a lot. Took her to the vet she's fine. She then stops after distraction. Anyone …

Can Coton's coats get darker? 
My 8 month old Coton, Cooper, had a pure white body with a black and white head. In the last few weeks he's developed a 3 inch wide black strip of black …

How long do Cotons generally live? 
My coton died of cancer at the age of 13+ years.

coton and children 
i have unexpectedly rescued a Coton from death today. The breeder said it was flawed because it had a blocked tear duct and took it to be euthanized. …

Licking the furniture? 
My 5 year old, Daisie, recently started licking my furniture! She won't stop licking and it is getting really annoying. I try to distract her with things …

6 month old Coton 
My Coton is 6 months old --- potty training went great when we brought her home. We started doing some remodeling in the house to one room and ever since …

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Coton Heat Cycle 
I may want to breed mine in 2 years and she seems at 1 year to be going into heat for the first time.

Do I go with my heart or my head?  
Hello, I am at a fork in the road and do not know what to do. Here is the dilemma: our coton died in April. We had him for over 15 years. We have …

Teeth Chattering 
Hi There, We have a 2 year old Coton named Bode that in the last 2 weeks has developed an odd behavior of chattering his teeth after waking up from …

Dog running in circles. 
Jasmine who is almost 2 years old and still does not go to the door to let me know she has to go out. If I ask her, and I walk to the door, she comes …

14 month male neutered started peeing on couch where I have sat 
I had knee replacement surgery about 3 weeks ago this is when it started. I'm on a walker I'm staying at one of my daughters and I sat on her new couch …

Is it possible to train a coton puppy to eliminate outside during the day and at night to eliminate inside on the UgoDog (or if you are not familiar with …

Sad about our coton 
We had to euthanize our coton yesterday. He was 15 years old plus almost a month. I have a hole in my heart. The house is quiet. My heart wants another, …

I just purchased a Coton but do not get him for 5 more weeks. I am getting nervous about being allergic as I am allergic to dogs. They say these dogs are …

Is it normal for a coton to run with the front and back legs together 
My 9 month old coton puppy loves to run - she chases other dogs, balls, bikes , joggers- anything she can try to beat - and she is very fast. Since she …

Is a Coton a good choice for a family with a 5 year old boy?  
I'm on the fence between a Coton, a Havanese or a Golden Doodle. I am a first time dog owner and would like a dog that is easy to train since I'm a novice. …

how many times a year should a breeder produce litters? 
I just notified a breeder regarding a purchase of a coton and I asked how many litters a year they produce and they told me they did 12 litters a year …

I got my male coton neutered. Before he was super energetic playfull sometimes even to much and vocal.. It has been 3 days he only wants to stay in his …

What is the average resting heart rate for a cotton? 
Hello..My coton had an unfortunate incident of a severe anaphylaxis after a tetanus shot. He had to be resuscitated with fluids and epi. He is resting …

Hello i have a coton de tulear crossed with a shih zue im a bit conserned as the white bit in her left eye ball is darker in the corner than the rest of …

Dog's tail position 
My dog Heidi's tail has always been up - so bushy and lately it is hanging down. What would be causing this? Should I be concerned?

Bald patch on side of neck. 
Our ten month coton has suddenly developed a complete bald patch on the side of her neck about the size of a small jam jar lid. She appears in good …

I keep hearing that cotons are difficult to house train.  
I brought my coton home 2 weeks ago ( she was 9 or 10 wks at the time) . I have been doing some pretty strict crate training. She basically stays in the …

any suggestions where to find a tall coton? 
I'd love a coton to join our family, however my son & husband would like something a little bigger ... the tall coton would be ideal ... I know they are …

Suggestions for dog cone collar 
Please suggest what I can use that's better than a cone collar after neutering. My dog seems to even be able to reach the neutered area. And of course, …

New puppy questions 
How do I select the puppy for me?

ear infections 
Zuni gets ear infections every month. Any suggestions? He is three years old. I don't want to keep medicating him. Vet says it is yeast.

Marking at 3 years. What to do??? 
He keeps marking and has from before. Out to potty many times a day. Not sure why? Help,,,

Bit his minder! 
Hi all! Firstly, I would like to thank Gale for putting the time and effort to create this website and community which is dedicated for such a wonderful …

Separation Anxiety and Other Fears 
Or do both tend to have the same issue? I heard females tend to be more independent so was wondering if they might do better when left alone.

Male or female? 
We have a 10 month old female Coton and want another. Does it matter if we get a male or female?

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My Coton won't let people come near him 
Jack will be 1 yr old this wknd. He has always been very shy and timid. He will go,up to other dogs and meet and greet them, bit if anyone beside my husband …

Excessive barking at door knock or doorbell 
Upon a knock on our front door or when the doorbell rings, my female coton (1.5 years old) REALLY barks. I don't want to squelch her "protective/territoriality" …

Need a foster home or rescue  
3 weeks ago my 4 yr old Coton had emergency surgery. She had a disk that ruptured in her spine. At the point I brought her to the vet her back legs were …

What temperature does A Coton like? 
When is a Coton cold! I live in the Midwest Chicago area. I don't know when I should put a coat or sweater on her to go out. Or how warm I should keep …

He won't eat his food 
My Jack is 11 months old. A few months ago he stopped eating his food. So we changed it. The new food would work for a day or two, then he would stop eating …

Metal chewing on leash 
My coton is 5 months old and constantly chews on the metal hook to her leash. How can I stop it. I have put that bitter stuff on and still does not work. …

When I am walking Jasmine someone will ask me what breed she is. When I rattle off "Coton De Tulear" they look at me like I just made that up. Anyone …

I have come across some sites that say the wonderful and beautiful Coton de Telear breed is near extinction. Is this true?

For the last 2 years I have not had a Christmas tree. I want one, but Bill is insane about balls, anything round! He begs for an orange when bring in …

How does one keep their teeth clean, since they do not seem to like to chew bones? 
Just want to know what ways owners keep their dogs teeth clean.

Is it normal for cotons to sleep most of the time.  
My coton is extremely calm and naps all the time. He us not even 2 yet . His nose is always dry

Barking dog 
My coton is 4 mos old and a very well behaved except early in the morning when we get up and right before we go to bed she starts barking and running around …

What can i do for weeping eyes in my Coton 
How can I clean and prevent weeping eyes in my Coton He has just started this and he is 11 months old. I have had the fur around his eyes trimmed to try …

Playful coton 
Will an adult coton still behave like a puppy, playful and overly friendly with people and other dogs. Ny coton is 7 months old, but likes to play with …

Do you have to clip their tails 
I wanted to know if the coton de tulear's tail has to be cut

Jasmine losing hair. 
Jasmine is one year old. Just brought her back from the groomer last week and noticed a kind of bald area. Figured groomer cut to short. Now on both …

Coton licking his paws 
My Coton is always licking his paws.. is there something I should be concerned about?

I have a little Coton, she was 7 months yesterday! she's the best little pup ever so playful and easily trained! But there is this one problem, whenever …

Coton in NYC? 
I live in NYC and am considering a Coton as a potential pet companion. How realistic is this choice re: keeping the hair clean and white in a city as …

Should I neuter my eight month old Coton? 
My family is divided on the issue of neutering. I don't plan to breed him so I think it's best if we neuter him but my family disagrees and they're making …

Agility vs. Therapy training 
Hi guys! I hope you are all doing well! We have noticed that our Coton (Bode) seems to get bored during the day. We take him on multiple long walks per …

Does your adult coton vomit frequently? What do you feed him? 
My Tuffy is vomiting,he does on occasion, if he doesn't chew his food right, but last night was bad, he usually eats his dry food at night and goes to …

Hello, I will be getting my coton puppy soon and am doing some shopping before she gets here. What size collar would you purchase for a 10 week old …

Can you keep a Coton de Tulear outside? 
Well, I have a small outdoor compound with a roof,3 walls and one wire cage door on the fourth side. It also has rubber mat flooring and is quite warm …

Our coton is about 3 months old. She is healthy and happy but her ears are always flipped backwards. They fold near the head and you can see the inside …

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Coat color and skin pigmentation 
I have noticed that my 4 month old coton's nose seems to be turning pink and it feels dry is there a reason for this? I thought her nose was supposed …

Crate training and location of crate at night? 
Hi everyone. This question is regarding if your Coton is crate trained for night sleeping and where do you have the crate? Bedroom or other area? I …

Traveling with your dog 
Hi everyone. Our family is about to get a Coton and we are concerned about boarding him. Has anyone ever had to board their Coton and what was your experience? …

My dog barks to people!  
Hi people! I have an adorable coton de tulear who is great with us and loves other dogs - really really loves! But she can't stand other people, especially …

how do i stop my coton from biting my hands while playing?  
Its when i go to pet her or playing with her she'll start biting my hands. . How do i change that?

Has timidity become an inherent characteristic in certain of the Coton breeding lines? I 
I bought a COTON from a Breeder who was 4 months old. He was shy to begin with but I thought with socialization he would become less shy. He still at 8 …

Logan's Finally Housetrained! 
I posted a while ago seeking advice with house training Logan. I'm proud to say that he's finally house trained!!!! I'm so happy and proud of him. When …

How to stop aggressive behavior 
I rescued a two year old coton (Molly) from a shelter in October. She was aggressive with my one year old coton dachshund mix (Addi) at first but we corrected …

Thank you Gale for this site 
I really like this website. My breeder is a good breeder and I have been very happy with our coton (he is 13 1/2 years old and we got him as a puppy), …

Jasmine the holy terror! 
My 7 month old (not stinky anymore) is now a nipping, biting, eating ( paper, toys, just about anything) machine. I just won $100 on a scratch-off ticket. …

How old is too old to acquire a coton?... 
To what extent should we consider our own age when deciding whether or not to acquire a coton? How old is too old?

My dog doesn't move than much , sleeps a lot as long as I'm home and doesn't listen to what I ask? What can I do  
Mika is a female she is almost 6 month old ...I have her since a month now ...I feel that she is scared all the time ,she gets excited only when there …

my almost 9 year old cotton 
he walks runs on all 4 but after a quick run or long walk he sits and holds up his right front paw , there is nothing in his paw and it looks like the …

About my cotons tooth 
My coton has a tooth growing into her pallet. Is this common in this breed? Also is it bad to spade her as a puppy or will it stunt her growth?

2 year old Coton and male pup havanese 
I rescued 2 year male old Coton he came from a breeder in good health but is shy and is coming out of his shell very well huge improvement in just a few …

My Coton eats underwear and garments 
My 2 year old Coton lily loves to chew underwear and undergarments one day I'll wake up and find underwear with a hole in it well Let's just say she is …

My stinky dog! Update! 
I wrote before asking about coton's stinking. Well, I took Jasmine to the groomer last week and lo and behold her anal glands were packed full and that …

New method revealed!  
How to teach your dog to give you signals when he wants pee? It is familiar that cottons are subtle breed. So their signals are not quite visible. First …

How many hours should a Coton sleep, both in puppyhood and as the dog matures? Could you give an example of a normal Coton sleep pattern? Thanks.

Having trouble with house training 
I need help! Logan is crate trained and learned to use the doggy door when he has to do #2. My problem is peeing. It's only about once a day he will do …

Horrible experience with Marilyn Muttroe.. Can anyone recommend a reputable pet boutique? 
Hi.. I'm looking to purchase a few quality items (sweaters, coats etc.) on line for my Beauregarde. How can I determine which companies are on the up & …

I can't decide whether my dog is a coton de tulear or a havanese 
Hi guys I'm Iris again.So my dog looks a lot of a coton de tulear but it can be a havanese too.I'm so confused.I see that she has a lot of a coton de tulear …

How old should a Coton be to get his teeth cleaned? 
We are getting a lot of different answers

Do people ever dock Cotons tails? 
Just wondering if anyone has ever seen this before? thanks

Is my dog a coton de tulear? 
Hi, I bought my little precious about a mounth ago, but I think her ears are very different from the pictures I saw. She hás pedigree and was bought …

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Can I give fruit to my Coton? 
My mum is already giving him apple, i dont know is it going to harm him?

3-4 hours after meal time for peeing? 
Hello :) I have a new 9 week old Coton pup. She has been with us for three days and luckily I am home so that I can train her. She doesn't always …

My Coton won't roll over 
My Coton is just over a year and though I have taught him many tricks but the one he refuses to do is rollover. He has issues with laying on his back on …

Allergies and skin problems 
My new boy scratches his neck area a lot & the vet said he doesn't have fleas & is just adjusting to his collar. Well, he continues to scratch even when …

Is this normal? 
My Coton does sleep a lot. What's normal? He is 16 months old. His weight is 6 kg should he be heavier? He barks and goes crazy when he see another …

How do you break a Coton of growling and running crazy when playing?  
He is so great in every other way, but at 5 months this isn't changing and it can scare onlookers. He is too fast to catch and crate. We don't want to …

problems with eating while tooth loss 
My puppy coton is eating less these days. It is probably because he is losing his teeth. Does someone have the same problem? Is this normal?

new baby coton 
we are new dog owners and don't really know much about dogs in general and very little about Cotons. How long can we leave a baby coton?

How often does a coton de tulear pee? 
I wonder how often a coton de tulear have to pee?

How can i teach my Coton to bark? 
Sometimes i hear a whine or something similar but never a bark, is there any way to teach him to do that?

Do all cotons walk on hind legs 
My Coton is 6 months old and I was wondering at what age they walk on hind legs. Or, is this not typical of all Cotons?

My Coton is almost 2, and despite all of the "best" training methods, still cannot be trusted not to pee in the house. 
He was really difficult to housetrain, will pee and/or poop in any other house we visit (except my Dad's, who had a dog) and recently discovered how to …

i had a mini-schnauzer 
i had a mini-schnauzer, does a coton require as frequent clipping in order to keep the coat short, and,is the coton able to keep up on a hike or jog as …

My 12 week old Coton wants me to chase him all the time.  
How do I break him of that? He's starting to understand "no", but he chooses not to listen....! I know he's still very young, but how do I put him on …

Coton pumps front paws up and down and seems stuck 
My 11 year old Coton has started something new. While in a sitting position, she lifts each paw up and down and appears to be stuck. When I call out …

Why does my Coton whine? 
Thank you for your website. I have only had my 4 month Coton for 4 days and she has really come out of her shell. I am just curious she follows me around …

hair loss 
Panda is almost 1 year old. About a month ago she started losing hair in a large area (3" by 5" on her side close to her tummy). She has also started losing …

Why is he sleeping more than usual? 
He is sleeping more than usual and seems sad. He doesn't have the energy to play like he used to. Why?

Is it possible for a 7 month old purebred coton de tulear to weigh only 4.7 lbs.  
My coton de tulear is 7 months old and weighs 4.7lbs. I was told her parents are both 6 lbs. Is this possible? I was told she is a petite coton.

Too excited when we arrive home 
My Coton misses us so much when we are gone. When we come home she jumps on us and nips at our hands. We ignore her for about 5-10 minutes and she does …

Dribbling small amounts of urine. 
My 4 month old Coton is pretty well housebroken. We take him out very regularly. In between walks (which happen just about every 2 hours), he often leaks …

dog walking trouble 
I take my Coton into "town" almost everyday for a walk. She is a year and a half old. Though she is getting better about being on a leash she is still …

Just wondering how to organize a Coton get together  
Looking how to organize a get together and picnic for our Cotons around the Gettysburg, PA area. The greyhounds come from all over PA for a walk on battlefield. …

Does your dog poop and run away leaving a trail? 
Sasha is one and started to poop and run leaving a trail. She appears to be frightened, not in pain. There was never a problem until a month ago. Does …

Licks all the time, people, furniture..... 
We have a male Coton, Ollie, he is 1 and half years old. We is an alpha dog with a great personality. Even though is an Alpha dog, he gets skittish around …

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Coton seperation issues and probably needing to rehome..... 
We have a Coton who will be a year next month and we are having a very hard time with him. He is our first coton and everything I read about the breed …

My coton does not poop regularly 
Hi Everyone. My 3 month old Coton is doing a great job with housetraining. That said, I have read that dogs poop 20-30 minutes after eating, my dog is …

Has anyone had problems with their cotons anal gland? 
My Coton has had issues with her anal gland since she's a puppy she was always licking there constantly we took her to the vet he gave me cream to put …

Grabbing a toy and whimpering when someone comes over. 
Abbie, my 2 year old dog does something weird. If someone comes over or she hears a strange noise she'll immediately grab the closest toy or chewy and …

12 Week Old Coton Biting and Eating Sticks! 
I have a 12 week old Coton named Ollie. We've had him for about 2 1/2 weeks. He is a sweet dog but over the past week or so has begun biting our fingers …

House training 
I have a 1 yr old male coton. He is having issues with going the bathroom in my house. He is crate trained, we leave him in it over night and when we are …

coton de tulear vaccines 
Hello, I am a proud new owner of our Coton de Tulear named Tyler. He is currently 14 weeks old & we are blessed to have him in our lives. When we acquired …

Angel Eyes stopped working 
I have had 5 y/o Emee for the past 2.5 years. She has been on "Angels Eyes" with good results until the past couple months. I thought at first the "Angels …

What is the utility of these dogs? 
Are these dogs herding dogs, guardian dogs or just barnyard dogs?

My one year old male trembles whenever the speakers are on. Should I dismantle them or buy new ones? Does not tremble any other time.

The mysterious skipping of Sophie 
Sophie recently began to skip with her right hind leg on the street, as though she had a leaf stuck or something. But, this did not stop and we had an …

Should I get another Coton? 
I am about to adopt two Cotons, brother & sister from the same litter, both spotted from all white parents, female beige & white, male black & white! …

New Male Coton... Names??? 
Hi All, I have posted several questions on here before and wanted to share with you our exciting new addition to our family. My husband and I are so …


At wits end 
I have a Coton who shakes and just gets on the couch and does all things that he should not do when he wants to go outside. He can even make himself vomit. …

I need some opinions from all you coton de tulear owners/breeders 
My little girl Cotton is 3 1/2 yrs old I've had her since she was 12 weeks old she's a hyper dog and alwsys in the play mode which isn't an issue for me. …

Harness vs. collar? 
Hi all, Thank you so much for all of the helpful advice you have given us on medical info! I think we have decided to get our little Coton puppy and …

Coton Confessions 
Luc is by far the smartest dog I've ever had, but I swear sometimes he does the stupidest things. This week he's left me scratching my head a couple of …

Does anyone else's sweetie love to dig?  
First thing in the morning when we let Lucy and Sophie (lab) outside to potty, Lucy spends her time digging. She has a hole out there that is 1/2 way …

How much should a Coton weigh? 
Bill is almost 18 months old and he weighs a little over 14 pounds. Is this too much for the breed? We don't get a lot of treats and he isn't an excessive …

Dog is soiling her crate 
Hi problem with my Coton soiling in her crate. What can I do?

In response to unusual? I think not. 
I posted a response to unusual, (about dog humping toys). Here is a picture of Tuffy and his Sweetheart "Humper". It is a natural instinct, and maybe …

A bit Unusual?  
I love Della to death but she has a humping issue. Our old dog Princess was put down last year and Della has taken a liking to one of her old toys. I believe …

What Are Your Coton's Quirks? 
Tomorrow is my B-day. July 18,1954. Yes I will be 58 yrs. old. Jonah was my B-day present in 2008. He was born on 12/06/07. As the old cliche goes …

Puppy Mill Breeder or Way Overpriced Vet or Both? 
I just bought 2 "retired" female Cotons from a breeder in No. CA. June 30,2012. Today July 10, one dog needed and had 6 extactions including large mollars …

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Coton de Tulear shedding 
I visited the most famous Coton de Tulear breeders in Brazil and they showed me two Cotons (a male and a female). They are really beautiful, but they …

How can I get my coton de tulear to stop chewing on shoes? 
I have a coton who is 18 months old and he has suddenly started chewing on my shoes, how can I stop this without having to hide my shoes from him?? Any …

Is there a Coton de Tulear standard? 
At a recent dog event I met an owner that has a male fluffy Coton de Tulear. My female has long thin hair; not fluffy. She said her female was the same.. …

Does Summer have to equal bad behavior for my Coton de Tulear? 
Help, my dog behaves so badly in the summer months. Summers here in Illinois are too hot for people, let alone Cotons. But keeping her cool seems to have …

How much sleep should my dog get? 
Sam is an 8 month old puppy. How much should he sleep per 24 hr period?

How do we remove coton de tulear from our bedroom?  
Frida is 15 weeks - a very happy and outgoing puppy. She's been socializing with me from the very beginning and is always happy to see all kinds of different …

Cotons at the beach 
I was wondering if anyone has experienced the Coton de Tulear with long AND puppy cut hair on the beach and what to do after they run on the beach? …

Coton de Tulear is STILL super-hyper 
My Coton, Carly, is 3 yrs old this month, and is STILL super hyper and suffers from severe separation anxiety. We can leave for 2 minutes or 2 hours (doesn't …

scoot scoot scoot 
my precious sweet loving SUGAR has to have her anal glands expressed every month :( and about 2 days later she scoots scoots scoots again!!!! i go …

Escape artist Coton de Tulear 
I'm hoping you guys can give us some ideas from your experience - thanks in advance! My 5 mo old Coton de Tulear, Argus, hates to be left alone when …

How do you play with your coton de tulear in the apartment and outside?  
My coton de tulear probably would like to play more, but I don't know what, with, or how to. My apt is small, so balls and chasing, which she really likes …

Why is my dog unpredictable around other dogs? 
Got her as an older dog, age 5, at first she barked at everything and all dogs, would snap and growl at most dogs if they got nose to nose. Now she is …

Coton de Tulear does not want attention 
My coton de tulear, Jewel, does not want any attention except if there is people with food around. She will only come to the person that doesn't want anything …

Coton de Tulear doesn't seem very hungry 
Hello, My five month Coton de Tulear ate Simpsons Chicken & Rice Dry food three times a day until the last few weeks, when she decided she'd refuse …

what is your favorite coton de tulear resource 
Have you found any sites, books, toys, products, or any other resource that has been a great help or problem solver for your Coton. Share your favorites …

Coton de Tulear and potty training!!! 
WOW!!!!! FINALLY!!!! It took ONE FULL YEAR and Wilson is finally potty trained. We tried EVERYTHING. Gates, potty pads, bells on the door, walks every …

How can I get my dog to swallow pills? 
I have to give my Coton antibiotics for a skin infection for several weeks and I am having a heck of a time getting him to swallow the pills. I've tried …

How can I get my Coton to come inside when I call?  
How do I get my coton named Zoey to come back inside when I call her in? She will run half way to the door then she just stops and stands there and looks …

Are Coton de Tulear puppies okay on their own for extended periods of time? 
I have a full-time job that requires some commuting (about 2 hr commute each day), so I am away from home for 10-12 hours each day. Will the puppy be okay …

Need advice on pet Insurance 
I am considering getting pet Insurance for my Coton. Not sure which company I should use. Does anyone have any recommendation?

Dog collar vs. harness 
When I got my Coton from the breeder she said to be sure and use a harness on her rather than just a collar when going for her walks. We have always done …

What are some other known Coton websites? 
Dr. Robert Jay Russel, PhD I found a wonderful website this morning. It is under "Biographical Sketch of Jay Russel,PhD. His website is Net Pets. This …

How can I get my Coton de Tulear to play at the dog park? 
We have a wonderful 4 year old Coton de Tulear who is such a joy to me and my husband. When a new dog park opened nearby recently we thought it would …

Anyone familiar with coton rescue through UCARE? 
Has anyone adopted a coton de tulear from the coton rescue organization Ucare ( Can you share some of the details like how long did …

Coton Owners In My Area 
I live in Glendale Az. in Bellair which is on 45th Ave in between Union Hills & Bell Rd. I would love to meet other Coton owners & Jonah would love to …

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Overly affectionate Trace? 
Trace adores his two pet labs but has a strange attraction for our black lab, Genius. Trace will approach Genius at quiet times and spend up to 5 minutes …

Why is my Coton de Tulear unfriendly? 
I am very concerned about my Coton's lack of friendliness with people. With my husband and I he is very affectionate, always wanting to kiss and sit in …

Biting and nipping dog behavior is beginning to become a habit & it hurts. 
Hi all-I went through and read other posts, but thought I'd bring it back up and see if anyone is having this trouble with and older puppy. Khloe is almost …

Which coton de tulear should I choose? 
I've been talking to a breeder about adopting on her retired Cotons (this would be my first dog) but I've run into a couple of problems. First of all, …

Coton de Tulear potty training problem 
Hi. I have a problem and don't know what to do. I have four Coton de Tulear dogs - Mom and Dad age 4 and 3 and two pups (pupparoos as we call them. I potty …

How do you tell your dog his friend is gone? 
Tuffy had a little toy poodle friend around the corner from where we live. The owner had two toy poodles but the little puppy one year old was the one …

Physical characteristics of the Coton de Tulear 
My question is regards to physical characteristics of the Coton de Tulear. I have 2 Malagasy Cotons from different breeders. Kauloo is 3 and has all …

Need help for coton de tulear licking problem 
My Coton de Tulear licks her paws, feet, front and back areas constantly. I have checked the paws,feet along with front and back area where she licks there …

What type of bed does your Coton de Tulear like to sleep in? 
The are so many different varieties of beds, I was wondering what others find that their Cotons prefer for over night sleeping.

Sleepy Dog 
My sweet sweet dog SUGAR is almost 8 and unless i am walking her for her bathroom breaks .... ALL SHE DOES IS SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. She has a few bursts …

Are electric dog fences humane? 
We've just moved into a new home that does not allow fences in the backyard (darn HOAs). I was wondering if anyone uses an electric dog fence for their …

Coton de Tulear disobedience issues 
Ok, this site is extreemly valuable to me and I need your advise desperately as I think i may have spoiled our Coton de tulear, Spanky (could it be?) …

Is it normal for a Coton de Tulear to be brown even at 7 months? 
I read in a lot of sources that the Coton de tulear coloration disappears after a couple of moths but mine has been ginger all it's life. I read that it's …

how often should my 6 month old, 6 lbd Coton de Tulear poop?  
My coton de tulear goes on average 3 times a day. A few weeks ago he had loose stool (most likely caused by something he ate) but i was able to cure that …

Coton de Tulear Dog Chewing Problem 
We just got our Coton de Tulear at 15 weeks old. He has started to show signs of chewing. I caught him chewing the edge of the carpet. How do I nip this …

Male or female Coton de Tulear? 
My boyfriend and I are looking to get our first dog. I discovered the Coton de Tulear while online and fell in love, but read somewhere that males are …

Is the Coton de Tulear a good Apartment Dweller? 
I was originally going to get a Jack Russell Terrier but was told that it wasn't a good Apartment Dweller. Then I came across the Coton de Tulear. Beautiful …

Help! My Coton de Tulear Is peeing in the house 
My Coton de Tulear, Wilson, is now 5 months old and peeing all over my house!!! Not just one place BUT EVERYWHERE!! We bell trained him from the beginning. …

Pet Insurance 
I am so grateful for this site as i have had many of my questions answered here. I so value the advise from a fellow Coton de Tulear owner. What Pet …

Need advice for my timid and sad new dog 
My dog is timid and sleeps all the time. We just got him 3 days ago and he is not interested in us. He seems sad; he vomits and seems sick. We took him …

How big is the Coton de Tulear? 
What is the most average height and weight of a coton de tulear? Also, can you tell me if they are nice to children? …

Should I shave my coton de tulear this summer because she seems to get so warm? 
My coton de tulear, Ava, seems to get over heated now that spring is here. Should I shave her to help keep her cool? I heard some dog breeds fur help …

poop eating 
Sophie is 10 weeks old and i will catch her eating her poop..What can I do to stop this?..I figure she will get over it when she is an adult, but I would …

Have you tried REVOLUTION on your Coton de Tulear? 

Coton de Tulear is peeing in the house 
We have had our Coton de Tulear for 10 months and he was house trained very fast. He has just recently decided to start using one of the rooms in our house …

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Flying a 5 month old Coton de Tulear 
In May, I will be flying back to Wisconsin and I will be bringing my 4 month old Coton, Koda, with me (he will be 5 months by then). He is currently 7-8 …

Need Help with a Coton de Tulear pee problem 
Murphy seems to have a unique problem. I have yet to read or hear of anyone else that has this happen to their Coton de Tulear. He pees on himself! I have …

Does the Coton de Tulear like to swim? 
I was wondering if the Coton de Tulear likes water. I thought so, but Triscuit doesn't seem to want to go in the water. She is great with baths, but …

How do I get my Coton de Tulear to be more relaxed and let me pick her up? 
Our Coton de Tulear, Calliope, was a year old Feb 7. We brought her home in mid Jan. She was shy the first couple of days but then became more comfortable. …

Wee Wee time for Triscuit 
I just wondered if anyone else with a female Coton urinates like Triscuit. She squats and lifts one back leg up like a bunny... she has always done it …

Homesick Coton de Tulear 
Hi I just adopted a coton de tulear, he recently turned 3 months. I got him this past thursday, and it's now saturday. He has been what I would call …

Coton de Tulear littermates question 
We purchased 2 Coton de Tulear littermates, one male and one female, three weeks ago. Now we see only horror stories about this. Are there positive stories …

How can I get my Coton de Tulear to drink water? 
I need help getting my Coton de Tulear to drink - water that is - LOL :( I just adopted a 7 1/2 year old precious Coton and I'm really having a hard …

flea and tick prevention 
Our Coton de Tulear puppy, Tyche, is wearing an antiparasite collar provided to us by the breeder. I would like to know what you are using for your dogs, …

Very Skiddish Coton de tulear 
I have had my Coton de Tulear Triscuit for almost a year. I got her when she was 7 months old. She has always been skiddish and easily scared from …

Does anyone have a Coton de Tulear who hates driving in the car?. 
My Coton de Tulear is almost a year old and has been on several long distance car rides and always cries and shakes for about the first 30 minutes before …

How do you calm your Coton de Tulear at the Vet's office?  
My 2 year old Coton de Tulear is so afraid every time I take her to the Veterinarian. She sometimes gets so anxious that she cannot be treated; her temperature …

How can I get my Coton de Tulear to sleep through the night? 
I have an 11 month old male Coton who is a lot of fun. He wants to play with every dog and person he meets. My problem is night time. He sleeps is his …

Does the Coton de Tulear shed? 
I visited a Coton breeder and her dogs are awesome except when I got down to play with them I got a lot of hair all over my clothes. She said that's because …

Dog is eating poop - help! 
Max is six months old and started eating our other dog's poop. He doesn't ever eat his own. HELP this is disgusting. I can't find anything to do so …

Coton de Tulear Socialization 
My Coton was not socialized as a puppy. I brought her home when she was 6 months old. Before that she had only been around other animals. She runs and …

How do you keep your Coton de Tulear from being lonely? 
Having a dog is a big responsibility and small dogs like the Coton de tulear are very attuned to their humans and thrive on being close to us. But we …

Fussy Coton de Tulear Eater 
My Coton is still fussy about dog food. I have been doing everything - putting food down in morning and picking it up, leaving her all day when I come …

Is the Coton de Tulear REALLY less allergenic? 
We just adopted a purebreed Coton de Tulear and unfortunately my allergies are going crazy. We already had a mutt that I don't seem to be allergic to. …

Has your dog abandoned you? 
My dog Tuffy and I have been inseparable for all of his three years of age. Recently I had two serious injuries, eye surgery and a broken arm, and was …

What's best way to handle snapping Coton de Tulear? 
I just got a 6 month old coton de tulear. He was shipped to me. I introduced him to my daughter's 5 year old Labrador and he snapped at his nose. The next …

coton de tulear health issues 
My Coton de Tulear has had really bad eye conjunctivitis. He has been on steroids, eye meds, and eye drops. The Vet has him on hyperallergenic food. …

How big are Coton de Tulear dogs? 
How much do they weigh? How tall are they?

Is My Family Too Crazy for a Coton de Tulear? 
I've always thought that my next dog would be a Coton de Tulear. I just love everything I've read about their personalities and they sure are cute. …

Coton de Tulear potty training 
I have two Cotons, they are now 12 weeks old. I am paper training them, and they do well when they are confined to their crate which opens into a bathroom …

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Coton de Tulear, Lover boy  
I rescued my Coton de Tulear from a nut..he was 10 months old and I feel he was never out of the cage...he loves me and me only but doesn't really like …

Conflicting Info on the Coton de Tulear 
I am not currently able to get a dog right now, but am searching for the right breed. Out of all the breeds I've seen, the Coton De Tulear is the cutest …

How do I know when it's time to say goodbye to my dog? 
I have a 14 1/2 yr old Coton de Tulear. He does not like to be alone; never did. He has a heart murmur. He drinks a lot of water and has some type of …

Our Coton de Tulear is losing her hair 
Our 10 year old female Coton de Tulear has started to lose her hair. The hair, on her body, including her tail, is thinning. We have not changed groomers …

Are Coton de Tulear dogs REALLY good for those with allergies? 
I found this site when I was looking for dogs that were good for people with allergies. I love dogs, but my husband has allergies. He said we could get …

Cotons in all kinds of weather 
This is my first summer with my Coton Poukee, I have him in a puppy cut to help him be more comfortable, but what is the scoop on their gorgeous coat …

Are Coton de Tulear dogs only loyal to one person? 
Hello! We are thinking about getting a second dog, a Coton de Tulear to be exact. A couple of friends (one who owns a Coton and one who knows of another …

Indoor PottyTraining 
I really like your site, we just got our puppy yesterday. This is the first time I've had a dog and I live on the 10th floor of a condo building. Is …

Is a half check collar suitable for a Coton de Tulear to stop him slipping his collar. 
I am concerned that my New Coton will slip out of his collar whilst out walking.

How can I get my Coton de Tulear to behave at a dog park? 
Hi, I've got a 10 month old male Coton de Tulear who is perfect in every way EXCEPT when I take him to the neighborhood dog park. The park I take him …

Hi, what are some of your favorite and highly recommended Coton de Tulear doggie supplies?  
Searching for dog product testimonials and reviews can be difficult, especially for cotons. I'd like to know what other coton owners prefer for their dogs. …

Any tips to teach my Coton to use a doggie door? 
I got a great doggie door for a sash window that leads to the deck. My dog (a 4-yr old female Coton de Tulear we just adopted 4 weeks ago) is still very …

Coton de Tulear unfriendly to other family members 
We just adopted a 4-year old female Coton 3 weeks ago. Issue is she has gotten extremely attached to me, but is distancing herself from my spouse and …

Where did you manage to obtain this adorable Coton de Tulear breed? 
Luc is adorable, where did you manage to obtain this adorable breed? It's really frustrating to find a trustworthy healthy Coton on the internet and …

Is it OK for Coton de Tulear dogs to wear collars? 
You indicate on your site that a good collar is necessary. The breeder has informed me that she would not use a collar due to the soft neck on a Coton …

coton de tulear exercise 
Are there any particular amounts or types of exercise a Coton de Tulear needs? Do they require long walks? Running in the yard? Can they do fine with fun …

Coton de Tulear Price 
I am trying to find a Coton de Tulear but I'm having a hard time finding one in my price range. I am however doing all my research. Do you have any tips …

Has any Coton de Tulear owner ever trained their Coton as a service dog? 
I am strongly and emotionally attached to my Coton de Tulear, and he is to me. I take him everywhere with me that I possibly can. I want to have him …

Should I get a Coton de Tulear puppy or an older dog? 
I wonder what your thoughts are about adopting an older Coton de Tulear dog from a breeder. This is a dog they originally were going to show, but it grew …

How long should a Coton be left home alone? 
I am thinking of getting a Coton. I do work 8 hours out of the home. I have read on some sites that Cotons are for people that are home all day. Other …

Do the males pee standing up? Ours is 9 months old and is still peeing like a female. 
Our male dog still squats when he pees. He is 9 months old. Will this change?

Are all adult cotons pure white? 
My 9 week old Coton has a cute black mask marking. Is it true that when she loses her baby hair she will lose the markings and be all white? Are all adult …

Elevated Liver Enzymes  
Our Coton, a two year old male 11kb 4 oz, was recently diagnosed with elevated liver enzymes. The vet prescribed a three week course of antibiotics after …

Our coton is a brat 
Our 16 month old coton is well, what shall we say...a rather high maintenance brat. He runs from us every time we go to put on his harness for walks unless …

Is it anymore difficult to keep them clean 
I was wondering do they get very dirty out walking because of their colour

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As you can see Bill has a serious case of static! A few time I have even given him a shock when I touch him. Any ideas?

How can I help my fearful shelter dog? 
My Freddie is 15 months old. I adopted him 4 months ago from a shelter. He was abandoned and mistreated. He is afraid of everything - sounds, people, other …

Coton de Tulear housebreaking problem  
I have a Coton de Tulear. She is almost 13mos. old. We have been crate training her and she's been great in the crate. Wonderful all night and if we …

Teeth cleaning  Not rated yet
What is the best toothpaste to use? What about the teeth cleaner you put in their water?

Are cotons prone to cysts? They keep showing up in my coton de tulear Not rated yet
Why are cysts regularly forming in my coton?

Walking mindlessly, excessive salivation episodes? Not rated yet
Hello! I have a 7 year old coton who had episodes of walking mindlessly, excessive salivation. This happens almost every month. whenever it happens, we …

Does anyone know anything about Microphthalmia and COTONs?? Not rated yet
Any info is appreciated

size of harness Not rated yet
We are soon collecting our Coton chiot at 8 weeks. He is a boy and I am trying to find the size of harness to buy as I would obviously like to get everything …

My Cotie becomes possessed in water. Is this normal Not rated yet
My Coton freaks out in water. Bites at waves and becomes uncontrollable

Why do my Coton’s back legs tremble? Not rated yet
Toby is 10 years old. When we walk his back legs tremble significantly. Often just standing in the house as well.

Post pandemic life Not rated yet
During the past year I have been home 24/7 working from home. I spend all day with my Coton, Billie. It's been great getting to spend so much time with …

At what age does a female Coton have her first heat and when is best time to spay her? Not rated yet
My Coton is 10 months old and I have not spayed her yet. I am getting mixed info on when the best time to do this is. Some say before first heat, others …

Has any owner used the joint supplement Phycox MAX for your Coton? Not rated yet
Has your Coton experienced a change in the texture or appearance of the stools while using the joint supplement, Phycox MAX chews? Our vet recommended …

Bladder Cancer Diagnosis Not rated yet
Hi. My Coton, Molly, is 8 years old and recently diagnosed with bladder cancer, specifically transitional cell carcinoma. Was wondering if anyone else …

how many calories should a 14.5 pound male Coton eat daily Not rated yet
How many calories should a 5 year old 14.5 pound intact male Coton eat daily? We take an hour walk/run and he also runs around the yard several times a …

When is the right time to take male dog for breeding/ activities  Not rated yet
Hello all, We have a male Coton who is currently 1year old. Recently he has been showing traits of sexual behavior to humans. Any advice would be greatly …

My Coton De Tulear Bitch is 16 months old and has still not came into season. Is this normal? Not rated yet
I have her since she was 9 weeks and she is coming into season yet! is it normal? can she have any puppies in some point of her life?

10 month female in heat  Not rated yet
I have 2 coton puppies who are from a puppy mill. Not litter mates, but same age. The girl is in heat. I've separated them. It's been very difficult during …

overweight Not rated yet
My female Coton is 4 months old weights 4kgs. She is very healthy according to my vet, but is she overweight? Everywhere I read I get a different answer …

My curious little dog, Brady Not rated yet
Brady is nine years old and acts as if he's four or five. Loves it when I come home from shopping with bags. He trys to look inside hoping there's something …

Recently, the inside of my Coton’s ears are turning black Not rated yet
Recently, the inside of my Coton’s ears are turning black. She is a pure white, healthy 5 year old. Is this normal? What might be causing this?

My coton is 9 years old and has been having problems with abscess for the last 3 months. Not rated yet
It's costing me a small fortune at the vet's and they have put in 2 drains (not at the same time) and given him several antibiotics. It's been difficult …

How to introduce a new 8 week old puppy to three 6 month old kittens? Not rated yet
How to introduce an 8 week old puppy to three 6 month old kittens?

Finding a good Vet Not rated yet
Finding a good Vet you feel is right for your Coton is, in my opinion, more difficult than it was finding a pediatrician for my three children. When I …

How often does a Coton go into season, worried about when the right time to have our adopted Coton spayed. Not rated yet
Hi, we adopted our beautiful 2nd Coton 9 weeks ago from a breeder. We have no intention of breeding from our girl. She had two litters with the breeder …

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How often do they season Not rated yet
My coton is 9 months & in season, would like to know when her next season would be due, is it every 6 months, 9 months or yearly?

Coton breeder near nyc Not rated yet
We saw a Coton yesterday and got in love. We would appreciate a tip about a recommended Coton breeder. Amir

1 year old boy shaking/panting?  Not rated yet
Hello, I have a rather large size coton - 1 year as of May 2018 with 14lbs. We noticed that he's been panting and shaking more than other dogs. This …

Patellar Luxation Not rated yet
I'm curious if other Coton owners have young pups with Patellar Luxation? If so, what if anything has been done for your pup?

she has bad teeth and her gums are swollen, what causes these Not rated yet
she had 15 teeth removed and her gums were very bad. What can be the cause.

Is FCI or CTCA better? Not rated yet
I'm pretty confused by the different standards for Cotons. Is CTCA more inbred compared to FCI, or vice versa? If possible, I would just love to hear what …

At what age can i breed my dog? Not rated yet
i want to breed my 2 years old female coton de is it right to breed her?

Coton baby teeth Not rated yet
What age do Cotons lose baby teeth?

my dogs upper palate is turning black. What is happening? Not rated yet
My dogs upper palate turned black. Is it healthy?

When to neuter? Not rated yet
We have a ten month old male Coton ,the breeder told us not to neuter him until he is at least a year old ,the vet told us to do it now.Any suggestions. …

Collapsing Coton Not rated yet
My 6 year old has collapsed on a number of times. we have been to some vet hospitals and tested. when he collapses he just lays there for about 1 or so …

embarrassing “hugs” Not rated yet
This is an awful question but something I have to get under control, My 3 year old neutered ( at 6 months) male Coton has not met a leg that he does not …

What is the best doggie breed pal for my coton?  Not rated yet
Our coton loves his play days at puppy care. The next day he seems a little depressed or maybe he is exhausted from the day before. Ha ha. He is our …

How to stop nighttime barks  Not rated yet
My 1 year and 3 month old Coton has started barking at night. She will bark twice and then stops but it wakes me up. She has been barking for the past …

At what age is my Puppy an adult.  Not rated yet
My Puppy, Bijou, is now nearly 11 months old. She has had her first period over 3 weeks ago. At what age does she become a 'junior, adult dog?! I am …

One of my 7 mo old puppy' s eye seems to be losing its color. Has anyone experienced something like this. I Not rated yet
I have a vet appointment next week if he is open as I live in Venice fl and we are waiting for Irma. Her eye seems to be losing its color but you can …

Does anyone have a coton who has focal seizures?? Not rated yet
My 3 yr old coton is having episodes of tilting his head backward and sniffing the air while his head is raised. The episodes have been off and on for …

I have a female Coton and I would like her to have a litter of puppies. Not rated yet
I don't want to sell the puppies. I would like to be able to give a puppy to a couple of family members. Where do I go to find a stud dog?

1st heat cycle, vet says either Coton has a pseudo preg.or is pregnant Not rated yet
Cotton behind 6 ft wooden fences with exception of 4 ft gate. Vet says either coton has a pseudo preg., or is pregnant. Going back for checkup 3 weeks. …

Do you know of any Coton breeder(s) who adhere to natural rearing and holistic health principles? Not rated yet
Holistic Health & Natural Rearing, meaning: I'm looking for a Coton breeder who believes in minimal vaccines, raw feeding, natural preventatives for flea/tick/heartworm, …

Puppy super shy with other dog Not rated yet
Hi, my 14 weeks old male puppy is super shy with any other dogs, large or small. We went to a class for new owners and there was a barking tiny dog. …

Loss of hair Not rated yet
My 2 year old Coton is now losing hair each time I comb.. Haven't had the problem before. Any ideas would be much appreciated

Is leukemia common in cotons ??? Not rated yet
1 year old female CBC Showed high unusual WBC

Puppy starting to mark inside the house Not rated yet
Our puppy will be 6 months old tomorrow and is scheduled to be neutered tomorrow morning. But he has started already marking in the house about a week …

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Got Sporn? Not rated yet
Just had to share what a HUGE difference this collar/harness made in Zorro's life. As you know he is a fear aggressive dog and walks were a nightmare. …

Reputable Coton de Tulear breeders Not rated yet
I just had to share this with visitors who are looking to find Coton de Tulear breeders. I think this story is all too common. I recently received …

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