A Day In The Life of Percy

by Lynn McAleese
(Edmonton Alberta Canada)

I’m coming too!

I’m coming too!

Percy is a great traveller. He cuddles up on my lap & will sleep for hours. We can leave him in the truck when we go for lunch or shopping and he goes back to sleep. We go for walks & gets his sillies out then goes back to sleep. lol

Comments for A Day In The Life of Percy

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Aug 22, 2024
by: Cyrille

Although he looks a little bigger, my little baby, best friend and sometime even my mentor PERCY was 11 to 10 pounds. We know each other for 17 years. He was the best, he saved or rather extended life of two peoples that I know personally and God knows how many more.

Aug 22, 2024
Coton travels NEW
by: Gale

How fortunate to have such a great travel companion. I’d never be able to leave Lucy in a car/truck here in Florida because it’s a gazillion degrees, and she never sleeps when she thinks she’s going to miss something. :)

Percy is adorable!

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