I have learned that when My coton is being aggresive. He is not being aggresive he is playing. He loves to play ruff. His tail is always wagging and he is dancing on his back legs very happy. I am so happy to have my coton, he is the best dog I have ever had.
Oct 05, 2010 Rating
laying on the floor by: Iris
Laying on the floor, putting yourself below your dog is giving him permission to dominate you, it is a no no. He is probably also upset because his poop is marking his territory.
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how
My Coton puppy, Lola, can be calm and sweet. She can also be super hyper and off the wall. I have noticed a correlation between treats and hyperactivity.