Are Coton de Tulear dogs REALLY good for those with allergies?

by Elizabeth

I found this site when I was looking for dogs that were good for people with allergies. I love dogs, but my husband has allergies. He said we could get a dog as long as it was hypoallergenic.

I never heard of the Coton de Tulear but I can't stop looking at all the pictures on this site. I think this is the cutest dog I've ever seen.

So I guess my question is whether any of you dog owners have allergies and are your allergies okay with this breed?

Thank you so much

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May 03, 2024
Breed Check NEW
by: Frank Greenlar

Those folks who have had a Coton and experienced allergies
may not have had a full breed Coton from a certified Coton breeder.

Jul 23, 2017
No allergy to my Coton. NEW
by: Anonymous

I was allergic to my other dog , a lab..but no allergies to my Coton. I can stick my face in his hair and no reaction what so ever. Get a Coton today.

Nov 29, 2016
Groom them often NEW
by: Franklin

I had to give my Lab and dane back to my ex when I met my new lady because she was deathly allergic. It wasn't just saliva, it dander and hair if they simply brushed against her.

We borrowed a friends Coton as a test she had no allergic reaction. We bought a coton 4plus years ago and still have it. He is a Therapy dog now. My wife takes him to the groomer every 2-3 weeks and that may help.

So are they scientifically Hypoallergenic? Not my call. But I work in senior living and over 4.5 years with this dog and meeting people who say they drastically allergic, every time I prove them wrong.

Jun 12, 2015
All dogs have dander NEW
by: Anonymous

In response to the last post, all dogs do indeed have dander, even Cotons. However due to the fact that they do not shed, the dander can be less of an issue. And I'm very glad that you've had success with yours. We're getting ours in a week and fingers crossed that we have no reactions.

Dec 25, 2012
No such thing as a true, hypoallergenic dog
by: Anonymous

I agree with another poster, there is no such thing as a hypo-allergenic dog. If there was, we'd be dog owners! Both my kids are allergic to dogs. Ask an allergist what the allergen is with dogs, and (s)he will tell you simply, SALIVA. And, all dogs have it. My daughter's dog allergies turn to asthma and have also turned to pneumonia. My son's allergies are skin related, a dog lick first looks like a burn, then goes to hives.

Find a dog that does not lick, nor bark, nor shed, and THAT would be a truly hypoallergenic dog!

The reason I am on this site? A friend of mine just told me they got a new puppy for christmas, a Coton. (I went looking because I was not familiar with the breed) The reason they got it? Some friends of theirs got the dog because it was hypoallergenic, and after 3 days, they knew they had to give it up, they were all having severe reactions.

Aug 24, 2011
Yes to Allergies
by: Anonymous

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. People will tell you that they are because they don't shed, when in reality, it's their dander that causes the allergy, and they all have that. My father has a Coton and she is wonderful, although as she has gotten older I have developed an allergy to her. I will sneeze and cough around her, especially if I hold her, so the allergy is there.

Oct 02, 2010
Yes, you can finally have a dog!
by: Karla

I had the same issue... allergies all over... mine, my kids, and especially my husband. I'm glad to report that my husband has not had ANY issues with our Coton. He is also very picky about hair, smell, and everything else. Well, I'm also very glad to report that we have no hair/shedding issues (especially with a puppy cut), and she can go for a couple months without a bath and she doesn't stink!!! I give her a bath once a month just to keep her smelling really nice, but she is really low maintenance. It's a really awesome breed. We got a 4-year old female from a breeder in Oregon. One thing that I didn't consider - that would have been good - is that she grew up in a farm in the middle of nowhere. With very few interaction with people (only the 2 owners), cars, etc. Now that she's in the city, she feels frightened of everything - cars, other dogs, people... Make sure you get one that is very well socialized. After 5 months she's still very afraid of my husband. But with me she's super! I love her to death. Good luck!

Sep 17, 2010
by: Elizabeth

Thanks for your feedback. Looks like I may be able to finally get a dog. Hopefully I'll be reporting back here soon with a picture of my very own Coton de Tulear. Yay!

Sep 16, 2010
allergies and cotons
by: Anonymous

My husband is allergic to cats and dogs and has asthma but we really wanted to get a dog. My boss had a coton de Tulear and I noticed it did not shed or smell doggy. We bought my boss' dog's younger sister and are thrilled.

She can sleep on our bed and it doesn't affect my husband at all. And he can pat her or hold her with no reaction, something he had not been able to do with other dogs or cats.

Last weekend my daughter dropped off her two dogs, a chihuahua and a lab mix, both of whom shed, so we could dog-sit for the weekend. By Sunday evening, my husband was miserable with watery eyes and itchy face from the other dogs. As soon as they left and I vacuumed the rug, he was fine again with our coton.

Not only are they less allergenic than other dogs but of the cotons I know - five others, all related from same father - are all sweet, personable loving dogs. They are wonderful around children and visitors. Although fancy-looking, they are not delicate or difficult to take care of.

However, I would not advise getting one if everyone in the family is gone 8 or 10 hours a day. They thrive on companionship from their people and are lonely and miserable without it. Also count on having it groomed at least once a month or combing it every day yourself. But those are the only two 'cons' to this dog, compared to many, many 'pros.'

Sep 16, 2010
me also!
by: Ana Claudia

I always had a reaction to dogs, and a huge love for them! I was miserable thinking I could never have one, then I saw a Coton in France and could not resist. I asked the owner if I could hold it, cause it was too cute! I held it for a long time, squeezed and nothing happened, then I made a comment to my husband that I thought I was over at my age, my dog allergies, and the owner said: no you're not; this is a hypoallergenic dog. I laughed, but then I researched and was soooo happy. Plus, Cotons have the cutest personality!!

You will never regret!

Sep 16, 2010
Cotons are hypoallergenic
by: Iris

I have allergies, but not to my Coton Tuffy. and one of the main reasons (besides being so adorable) I chose a Coton is because it is hypoallergenic and my intention was to have him as my house companion.In the past I had to keep my dogs out in the garage and back yard because of my kids allergies, as well as mine. A Coton does not have fur or dander,and does not shed.
It has hair like a human that feels like a cotton ball, very soft. A Coton's hair requires maintenance and careful grooming, because it can mat up very easily and can get painfully uncomfortable for your dog.
There is quite a bit of first hand Coton owner information here about the Coton breed also, check out the Coton de Tulear club website. I hope you fall in love with one like I did.

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