"Bird" Saver
by Judy Garonzik
(Monrovia, MD)
My Coton "BILLIE" is the most extraordinary dog. I am a bird breeder and when thinking about a dog for me, I investigated on the internet for dogs that would not "eat my birds" and found this breed came up many times as animal friendly and people and kid friendly. Boy is she. She grew up with my birds and would always help me find them when they got out of their cages.
Last month one of my "indian ring necks" was missing from her cage when I went into the bird room and I assumed she was in the bird room hiding. I opened the door to let Billie go outside and then started looking for the bird.
Could not find her immediately and then went to the door to check on Billie. She was at the other end of the yard and did not come when I called her. I assumed she was doing her business and went back inside to find the bird. I checked everywhere again and could not find her.
Again I went to the door to check on Billie and she was still on the other side of the yard but I noticed this time she was using her paws to keep something on the ground. I had found my indian ring neck or rather Billie had found her. Some how the bird had gotton out the door and Billie noticed and had followed her. She was keeping the bird on the ground with her paws until I could get there with the net to scoop the bird up and bring her back into the bird room.
She is a hero to me. The bird would have died outside since she knew nothing about taking care of herself.
Billie has done this many times in the past inside when birds get out of their cages but never outside. Of course the birds do not go outside usually. When in the bird room she is always better at keeping track of them then I can so I ask her sometimes to tell me where they are.
Last week one of my baby birds that I was hand feeding got out of the box and got lost in the bird room. After looking all over for him I finally ask Billie to find the bird. She went over to a group of boxes that was sitting behind the cages and was smelling around. I did find the little baby behind the boxes and was able to get him back but without Billie it may have taken me a while to find him and he could have gotton too cold for me to keep him alive.
I have never seen a dog that would not try to get the bird with their mouths. She is remarkable. Of course she has grown up with these critters and thinks this is her job to keep track of them. No matter I think she is the most remarkable dog in the world and am lucky to have such a loving and loyal best friend and bird partner.
Judy Garonzik
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