Change of behavior and shaking

by Sally
(San Marcos, Ca, USA)

My 12 yr old Coton has been acting very needy and follows me wherever I go. In addition she is shaking (quivering). All labs, x-Ray, and ultrasound have been negative. Any help in knowing what is ailing her. I and my vet are at a loss? Any help and/informational insight would be very much appreciated.

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Oct 14, 2018
Shaking, Seizures NEW
by: Unal Unsal

My four year old boy Bailey is a survivor of Distemper. He got sick when he was two months old. The vet told me that the only solution with very slim chance of success was to give him excessive doses of antibiotics. He also warned me that, if successful, this treatment would cause side effects such as dental problems and seizures/trembling. Miraculously Bailey survived. He is a very active, happy, playful and handsome character. Unfortunately, the after effects of the treatment with overdoses of antibiotics have come about as predicted by the vet. Bailey's body shakes and trembles couple of times at night during sleep. Also, he lacks couple of front teeth. Despite these problems he is a normal, happy and healthy guy,not different from any dog.

Nov 12, 2015
Behavior change NEW
by: Anonymous

No, my Coton, Angel, is 12 years old and normally very relaxed. This is a chance foe her. Just saw the Vet and although he I'd not 100%sure, he suspects that it may be spinal pain. He said that small dogs with short legs and longer bodies have a tendency for this problem. Sorta like Dachshunds. So we ad pre awaiting some additional blood work. Thank you for your worthwhile advice. Appreciate it!

Nov 12, 2015
change of behavior NEW
by: Lulu

Hi Sally,

My Socrates is one year and 3 month old. He follows me around even with we are inside of house. He must see me to relax. So I am not so worry about following you around. My Socrates shaking/quivering when he is afraid. When it happens, he is sitting on my lap to comfort him. I massage him and talk him softly for a while, he starts to relax and calm down.

Based on my Socrates, is your baby afraiding of something or someone? Any changes in your house?

If he does not have any health issues, simple trying to spend much time as you can with him and see if the baby gets better.

Good Luck

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