Cheeky Charlie (UK) - Tall CdT
by Tony
Scouting for girls down the park.
After losing his he wouldn't let go.
Just chilling.
We adopted Charlie as a two year old a few years ago, advertised as a terrier-cross we didn’t quite know what we had until a friend felt his coat and said “that’s no terrier”. A few days of trawling the internet and contacting a U.S tall Coton breeder we believe that’s what he is given we have no confirmation papers.
A couple of years and a little house training later Charlie usually attracts attention wherever he goes including the occasional offer to purchase him there and then. As a Coton he’s been easy to train and loves doing tricks for a treat…hi-fives, playing dead, peak-a-boo and rolling over are just a few he does to entertain children and adults alike. As a tall Coton (18 inches/22lbs) he has long legs that allow him to gallop because he just loves to run and run which he does it seems just for pleasure. As a toy dog he loves to be near or on you always and at times he seems more cat than dog he’s so laid back and passive.
At the end of our firstt festive period together we discovered a pile of peanut shells next to his bed. Charlie had been collecting and eating them as they dropped to the floor and he just loves them, taking it gently he’ll go and lie with his front legs fully extended with peanut between paws and shelling with his teeth and then eat the nut. Who taught him that? A trait handed down from his Madagascan ancestors perhaps because I’d really like to know?
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