,Cooperman, was a foster dog

by judithgostisha@yahoo.com

We make a good team.

We make a good team.

It's not his physical cuteness it's the eyes that speak to me, it was like that from the start. His eyes had terror, his spirit was closed down, He made himself smaller because he had lived in terror, confusion, abuse, shuffled one to another and the last another was me. I was feeling bad, depressed, hope-less and when I saw the same in his eyes, it was meant to be, him and me together. I rehabilitated wild animals, injured one way or another, people brought animals to me, and I'd nurse them to health then set them on natures course.

COOPERMAN him, let him settle down, be calm, feed and water and time, steps out to eliminate and it was sealed, he was mine FOREVER.

I noted he was intelligent, well behaved, followed cues but days passed and he continued to shiver, anxiety, he would turn and turn. I cued him to sit. It calmed him down and I wasn't so dizzy. I would hold him during the day for maybe 10 minutes, on my lap, rocking no other sounds other than the sounds we made. No TV, or busy house here. I witnessed a shy, injured soul slowly emerge from him. He seemed to grow, becoming expanded and filling his body with self confidence and trust.

I played crawling, with balls, a squeak toy, but he liked it most when I would drape a light scarf over his body and remove it in one smoothe slow action, then it evolved to a faster playful activity, then I pretend to catch his tail, talking and laughing and sounds of high voice to elaborate sounds, they love this.. I could almost hear him laugh and chase it and we sill play like this, but with more skill, knowing to play as a team. We play hide and seek, it took a year of daily training for him to come when I called him from a distance and was around or behind something, the thing is, he surprises me and scares me when he suddenly appears from another direction.

Cooperman restored me to health and the play and good feelings and a purpose we found together is what I will say is the most important and continues to be.Play breaks the stubborn spell if not taking enough time from the day. I groom, bathe, clip and trim and we go to the hospital to share in pet therapy in our town. My life is enriched, I am no longer alone. He serves me today as a Medical Alert dog, and is always with me. I believe the Cotons can fulfill the dreams of any dog lover, animal lover. They are good for your health too.

Then the information came about his bloodline, I was once a copywriter, I didn't invest much into a story, besides, the dogs I've known about who live in hot climates have evolved over millium, I thought This breed is probably from Italy, the Alps, but a cool/cold climate not humid and hot.

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Jun 05, 2012
Thank you
by: DeMarie Rossi

Thank you for sharing your beautiful story of restoration and love. I rescued my first Coton when I was broken and he healed my heart and soul. In the beginning he would actually scream when his feet touched grass, it was such a heartbreaking site to see. Many months of encouragement and cuddles turned him into a wonderful friend. He showed me that my life was worth the effort and gave me more then I could have ever repaid. He has been gone ten years, but his spirit is always with me. I was recently able to rescue another Coton, I feel so blessed. Many hugs to you and your faithful friend!

May 03, 2012
Who is rescuing who?
by: Anonymous

There's so much said about humans rescuing dogs, but I think many times they help us much more than we help them. Best wishes to you and beautiful Cooperman!

May 02, 2012

What a touching story!! Seems you have saved each other and in doing so, both of your lives are enriched. He is so lucky as are you in finding each other and having the love and patience to get to where you are today. Hats off to you and all the other kind souls who rescue and love these little creatures. As for me and Cotton, I cannot imagine not loving her, she still amuses and makes me laugh all the time. Cotons are so very special.
Good luck to you and Coooperman.

May 02, 2012
by: Anne

What a wonderful story. I don't believe there is anything more beautiful and expressive than a Coton's eyes. Cooperman is special. Thanks so much for sharing - made my day.

May 02, 2012
Love your story
by: Deede Walker

Reading your story was a wonderful way to start the day.

May 02, 2012
Thanks for sharing
by: Elizabeth

Great story,thanks for sharing.

May 02, 2012
Thanks for sharing
by: Elizabeth

Great story,thanks for sharing.

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