Mommy sent me to my grandparents house so that I have company besides those crazy cats I live with. But I think she will come visit me tonight with daddy and bring me presents. I have been a good boy and should get a lot of treats.
Jul 06, 2011
Birthday Boy by: Gale
Happy Birthday B.B. July 6 is a great day for a birthday - hope you get lots of treats today.
Gale and Luc :)
Jun 22, 2011
Coton de Tulear, BB by: Anonymous
awww..poor baby..the breeder we got our lil angel boy..rudy..told me she stayed with her babies when they were groomed..6 hrs sometimes..after hearing all the horrior stories..i understand why now!!i love BB stucking his little head in the slipper..rudy does that all the time..rudy's daddy wears a size 13 shoe too..lots of
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how
My Coton puppy, Lola, can be calm and sweet. She can also be super hyper and off the wall. I have noticed a correlation between treats and hyperactivity.