Cooper really enjoys and asks to put him in the pool. The first time was a little scary but I talked with him and he came and enjoyed the pool. Give some time for your Coton and for sure he will enjoy too.
Jun 08, 2010
Coton's and water by: Iris Miller
Thanks for sharing that pool picture. Did Cooper swim? I read that the Coton breed love water but I am not seeing it in my dog. He tolerates it, but would rather hitch a ride on a human swimmer. Maybe he needs more consistent exposure to it.
It reminded me of our first swimming pool experience with Tuffy last summer on our trip to California.and I added a story and photo today.
Jun 07, 2010
Cooper's so cute by: Gale
What a great photo. I think I'm going to have to take Luc to the pool to see if he enjoys swimming.
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how
My Coton puppy, Lola, can be calm and sweet. She can also be super hyper and off the wall. I have noticed a correlation between treats and hyperactivity.