Do you use chemical control for fleas and ticks?
by Iris Miller
(Bristol, CT)
my sweetheart Tuffy
this yarn ball is now my toy
Tuffy is three years old and I have been using flea,tick and heartworm preventives as prescribed by my Vet applied every month all year long.
Tuffy had severe allergic and neurological reactions to Heartguard and K9 Advantix plus, so we switched to Interceptor and Frontline plus. He is doing well, some mild reactions to these and no fleas.
We live in CT. where ticks spread Lyme disease. Tuffy got bitten by a tick last year, apparently they don't die until they bite and get a taste of the chemical. Tuffy became severely infected with Lyme disease, we never saw the tick that bit him, he was lame, could not walk. He was is such terrible pain throughout his body and spine, he could not even be touched. The Vet had him on antibiotics for a month.
Since that time last summer Tuffy presented me with a tick latched onto the top of his head that I pulled off. I ran to the Vet with Tuffy for blood tests, he was okay. Long story short, today I got an email about the health dangers to our pets and to humans from these chemical we are using to prevent infestation of our pets and homes with these chemicals.
Here is a link I went to. It confused me, Now I don't know what to use and need help from you all. What do you use on your Coton for flea,tick, and heartworm prevention, and do you notice any side effects? Do you use a flea collar, is it effective?
I am now freaked out and very concerned. I cannot imagine using a fine toothed flea comb on a Coton's hair as suggested by the website, nor the frequent soapy baths. What's a mom to do? I want to keep us both safe and healthy.