Hi I used Luc's. Owners advice my Coton Jaydee barked all the time in doors and in the garden.Tried everything advised nothing worked but Tuesday evening I put some coins in a tin box and rattled it when he barked . It worked Jaydee no longer barks in the garden or the house ,the only time I don't stop him is when someone comes to the door . great advice highly recommend you try it if you have this problem .IJaydee is only 6 months old but now a joy to be around .
Sep 10, 2016 Rating
barking the minut e I leaveNEW by: Anonymous
barks when I leave house and am gone until he is hoarse
Mar 06, 2011 Rating
Lola by: Anonymous
The cutiest 1 year old puppy but she barks so much! She has 3 levels of barking, normal, yelling and then the high pitch scream. Help is required to make her stop ;o{ Any suggestions would be helpful.
Otherwise she is pretty much perfect <3
Feb 23, 2011 Rating
Does the Coton de Tulear bark a lot? by: Anonymous
My Mr. Bailey is too much of a watch dog. How do you train them not to bark so much???
Feb 22, 2011 Rating
Barking by: Gale
Like all breeds, every dog is unique so it's hard to classify an entire breed with a particular trait. Some Cotons are barkers and some aren't. But any barking due to behavioral issues can always be corrected with proper training.
My dog barked excessively as a puppy but that was corrected with training (mostly training me what to do).
Feb 22, 2011 Rating
Watch Dogs by: Anonymous
I agree that they are great watch dogs. My dog only barks when he's in protection mode - when someone he doesn't know comes in the yard or the house.
The Cotons aren't yippy yappy dogs; but they can bark a lot if they aren't trained properly.
Feb 22, 2011 Rating
Doesn't bark much by: Debra
My Heathcliff barks maybe onec a month, just to stay in practice. :-) Seriously, he can be in the middle of many other dogs who are barking and he will not join in.
Feb 22, 2011 Rating
It all depends... by: Kate
.. I suppose they just bark the normal amount. But at the end of the day, they will only bark if you let them. Rocco hardly barks at all because we lived in an apartment so I couldnt have him barking all the time. But no matter how much you train them not to bark they are the greatest little watch dogs, so protective of the house!! :)
Hi! This is my soulmate and the queen of our home - Petite. She is 2 years old and she is deaf but she is funny and loyal and smart. She loves long walks,
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how