Two "walking the dog" questions.....
by Susan
(Pacific Northwest)
I take my Coton into "town" almost everyday for a walk. She is a year and a half old. Though she is getting better about being on a leash she is still a "puller".
My first question is:
Is there a no-pull harness that really works and that doesn't irritate the dog or mat the hair? I would only use it on walks.
Also, when on walks if we see a small dog she does pretty well, pulls to see it...but if we see a big dog she stands on her hind feet and barks insanely. She pulls to go see it. Should I allow her to go see the big dog (if the owner looks like they are willing) or just keep walking or turn around.
Thank you in advance!
Puts On The Brakes During a Walk
by Malcolm
(Toronto , Mississauga, Canada)
We have a 5 mth old Coton and have a problem with his walks . We can be 2 houses down the street when he decides to put on the brakes and does not want to walk.
If you give him a treat or tug he will continue but will again will put on the brakes.
We are using a standard leash but considering using a harness.
If he is off leash he will run and play.
Has anyone had this problem?
Thxs in advance
Why does she bark almost the entire time I walk her?
I just recently started walking her with her friend my other dog and all she does is bark and sometimes will cry a little bit. I think she is scared. I haven't walked her a lot until presently because she was a little young to keep up with my other dog. They are inseparable according to her.
I use a double attachment for the leash so they stay together. I think she likes to be close to her friend. She will carry-on terribly if he isn't with her.
Eating EVERYTHING while we walk!
Our new Coton has been pretty good about going outside (we live in the city) but he tries to eat EVERYTHING he can find on the ground. I do my best to say "no" firmly and do a light, swift tug on the leash but I often have to pick him up and get whatever he has gotten out of his mouth. It becomes a HUGE distraction from doing his business. Any suggestions?
Dog walking just for fun
by Lou
I know this is definitely a newby problem (My Coton is my first dog in over 15 years).
Ryder picked up on potty training almost immediately - he's so smart. But now I'd like him to accompany me on my daily walks (nothing too strenuous). The problem is he seems to stop every 5 seconds to sniff around or to pee.
How can I teach him to understand the difference between going outside to go potty and going outside for fun and exercise.
Dog walking maniac
by Ragini
I have a two year old soon to be three and he's got such a wonderful personality that even my sister who does not like dogs at all has become a dog lover. The problem we are having is that whenever I take him for a walk and he sees other dogs he starts to bark like a maniac and the other dog owners become very guarded because he sounds very vicious.
All he wants to do is play with the other dogs. I've had several trainers and it seems like my dog knows when the trainers are here or wherever we meet and behaves. I try to take him for a walk on a daily basis but it can be difficult at times because I don't live on a street where I can walk him. He loves to play with my neighbors curly coated retriever also 3 years old.
Any suggestions on what I can do to make him just mind his own business when I am walking him?
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