Too funny. After the very last snow drop melts, Tuffy decides,even though it's been two years since he's used a potty pad indoors,
oh, okay mommy, I know you don't want to go outdoors, I will do ask you asked all these cold wet months and humiliate my grown up doggie self and go pee on the pee pad.(now that the weather warmed up).
Mar 21, 2011
CT first day of spring SNOW, and more snow by: Iris Miller
WAAAAA! Thanks you guys, I appreciate the encouragement and support.
Yes, it is Spring and It has been snowing all day here in Bristol, CT.
One thing I have to say about the weather predictions, they are accurate here. The brief thaw we had last week left "snow mold"( never heard of it, a notice to us from a gardening company) and mud, Now we have full coverage of snow, and more predicted all week. Tuffy went to the post office with me and he insisted on being carried out of the car at every stop. I carried him into the post office, and the pharmacy, and back into the house when we got home,he refused to touch down on the ground and flew into my arms! He is all snuggled up on the bed now. Top it all off, we live in my son's house and he had ordered the old windows and doors replaced, they started installing TODAY, with my door first, BRRRRR.
Going to put my gloves back on now.
love, Iris and Tuffy
Mar 21, 2011
SNOW by: Joyce
My dear husband shovels the snow from the yard so the boys (JR, Little Boy) and our girl Kuddles can walk around without having all the snow freeze to them. Michigan has had it's share this year. Sometimes in the past he's made mazes in the snow so they can walk around. God Bless my hubby.
Mar 20, 2011
Spring! by: Sherry
I feel your pain Iris! Cindy and the poodles jump around like kangaroos in the yard because of the snow! They seem to love it though. Especially Cindy! She goes out the door and takes a bite of the snow pile on the deck. She is so predictable! My yard looks like yours, believe me. We had new snow on St. Patrick's Day. Oh, the joy of living in the north! The good thing is they stay cleaner when it is cold. But, we've been going through some thaw-freeze-thaw periods and that's when the girls find the dirt in the yard and bring it in the house. I hope we don't have another rainy summer like last year! It can't snow all summer, so evenually we will see the sunshine! Hang in there!
Sherry & Cinderella
Mar 20, 2011
Spring really? by: Iris Miller
Thanks Gale, Please tell mother nature Spring is here.
the weather man reported snow for Monday, Wednesday and Thursday this week!
Love Iris and Tuffy
Mar 20, 2011
Spring by: Gale
It's Spring! It's Spring! Today's the first day of Spring, so hang in there Tuffy. I see sunshine in your future.
Hi! This is my soulmate and the queen of our home - Petite. She is 2 years old and she is deaf but she is funny and loyal and smart. She loves long walks,
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how