flea, heartworm, and hair in the eyes

by rene garrabrant
(pinellas park fl)

I have a coton de tulear puppy she is 4 months old. I was told that giving her comfortis can kill her.I am looking for a flea med that will do both flea and heart med? I am looking for a flea med that will do both flea and heart med ?

Also what is a good way to keep her hair from eyes without cutting her hair is there a product that is not harmful and keep her hair from her face. I want to do the best for her.

thank you

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Jan 31, 2018
answer NEW
by: rene

I want to be able to give her a pill once a month that will not harm her .
The breeder i received her from told me not to cut her hair by her eyes or cut her hair in general until she 7 to 8 months old. Thats why i was looking for something for her hair by her eyes.
thank you

Jan 21, 2018
Fleas, etc NEW
by: esb

1. Fleas and Heartworm -
conventional method: trifexis which is a chemical full of pesticides and that is bad on a long run; natural products: there is no such thing to take care of both problems - you may check
http://www.wondercide.com/flea-tick/ to keep fleas/tick/mosquitoes away and
https://www.onlynaturalpet.com/products/Only-Natural-Pet-HW-Protect-Herbal-Formula/999068.aspx as a heartworm preventive. That's what I use - a little more work but it keeps my dog healthy

2. Why do you think that trimming around eyes is harmful to a dog? That's pretty normal grooming procedure

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