Gracie loves dressing up for the holidays

by Marcia

4th of July‼️

4th of July‼️

Our dog Gracie is the best little Coton. She is very patient when we dress her for the holidays and is quite the poser. She is 10 yrs old and has the best personality.She loves to fetch (For treats of course )and has more energy as she gets older. She has a routine and makes us stick to it by making unique noises so that we now know exactly what she wants.

She rings a concierge bell when she wants to go out.She is our little diva and we love her loads.

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Aug 29, 2024
First Coton Experience
by: Lynette

Gracie and my Zaydee who is 20 months are very alike with the noises to let us know what they want and the bell ringing. Our big dogs have never been able to communicate the way our Coton does. I wish Zaydee liked dressing up but she is not thrilled with clothing. Perhaps because we live in Arizona. Thanks for the great story. Cotons are the very best!!!

Jul 23, 2024
Great Communicator NEW
by: Gale

How wonderful that Gracie communicates so effectively. It makes life so much easier when we don’t have to guess. She’s so adorable!

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