Vicky, I think you have described Candie with the perfect word.
She is very passive and that is just fine. So glad to hear Jonah is that way also. I was concerned it was fear. She does play so much more now than she used to, will jump up and down on the furniture to sit with us at times----then sometimes she is still trying to hide in a corner or under something. Maybe its not hiding, just where she is comfortable. anyway I am going to quit trying to figure out her every move and just enjoy her.
Like Jonah she is so quiet. Cotton is not, becoming more vocal every week in her demands and protective nature of her home and us. When we take them to a dog park Candie just mostly follows Cotton around. She does like to run and play with small dogs but if a big dog comes in ---- she comes to us and trembles. We have not taken them lately as their has been an outbreak of parvo in the county where we go.
I thank you for your help. This has been a learning lesson for me in dog behavior. Never had I seen a dog so pitiful. She is 5 now and that is sure proof they are never to old to learn. Like Jonah she holds herself for hours - pretty good for a dog that wasn't even potty trained a few months ago.
You and Jonah enjoy your summer!
May 22, 2013 Rating
sherry cotton candieNEW by: Vicky & Jonah (Az)
Sorry 4 late reply its been hectic lately. Candie sounds like Jonah he is very passive. After our walk & trip to dog park in the morn. I forget he is even in the house he is so quiet. He is not a barker 4 anything 2 play treats ect. Now he will bark if someone goes by the window but he's just take things as they come.
When we go 2 dog park he is not a big player w/other dogs he will pretty much stay by my side but I know he enjoys it frm excitement 2 go & as soon as we park. Now when Jeffs sons 2 Boston Terriers come over 2 stay they all play but he isn't like that @ the park. Just who he is.
My last 2 dogs grew up together 6 mos. apart. They were Silky Terriers. My female was like Cotton in ur face. Every morn whn I opened my eyes she was right their w/ball in mouth. I swear the ball nvr left her mouth. Always active never stopped she barked for attn. My male Donavan was just like Jonah. I worked both of them in obedience 4 ovr 8 yrs which they loved but were like night & day.
Just like w/training some r food motivated others r play. I guess its just like kids some r quiet/shy/nerdie some r outgoing/athletic its who they r and their is no right or wrong way.
I do believe dogs don't forget its like Jonah & I walk every morn but not is the same dir. all the time. Their is this once place w/a crack in the fence w/dogs on the other side. We may not go that way 4 a month or so but when we do Jonah runs 2 it 2 look through 2 say hello.
I hve had dogs all my life big little & if they do not like someone their is a reason. If u do nt like that person they know. They r creatures of habit yet they r mystifying. Dogs also know love & kindness. They may hve had a bad start but once in a loving household don't 2nd guess yourself they know they hit paydirt.
I'm nt saying we except bad behavior but just because my dog was nt a rescue does not mean that I do nt have to go back at times to reteach. Ex. here in Az as we know it gets hot in the summer. The hotter it gets the behavior of potty in the house reappears. Can't blame him evn we do nt want 2 go outside. So knowing this a factor in the summer I will make sure 2 take him out front on leash where their more shade& so as nt 4 him 2 fail by potty in the house. He will hold it forever until nt if I don't. Probably the same 4 cold climate pets.
I think I'm rambling now I'm sorry I hope I helped. And yes every dog I have ever owned was spoiled & I wouldn't hve it any other way. Espectionally since they spoiled me w/unconditional love. LOL.
May 16, 2013 Rating
CandieNEW by: sherry cotton candie
Thanks Vicky for your input. Maybe this is more normal behavior for little dogs but I have not experienced this type behavior before.
Cotton is just a in your face little girl. She fears nothing, thinks the world is there to please her. She is so vocal in letting us know her wishes and we being her puppets are rushing to get her what she wants. (well maybe not always) but she is our boss. She does seem to know when its our normal bedtime and if we do not go in there she is running to the door and back to us growling and jumping.
We have been told she is spoiled-----I just laugh and say "you think". We know she is but we love her and her demanding attitude. She is so full of confidence!
Candie is almost invisible at times, she is very quiet, hardly ever makes a sound. guess i should not be comparing them and I truly hope you are right. She is a very good dog, much easier to deal with - but I want her to feel happy and free to play-run or do whatever. Its almost as though she is afraid to move without permission and this troubles me as I am not used to it.
Thanks for giving me a heads up on this and time will tell. We never have to scold her so she has no reason to fear us. It is just so sad to see her sit and wait, if I didn't know better I might think she had been really trained at one point in her life.
May 16, 2013 Rating
HabitsNEW by: Vicky & Jonah (Az)
U know I have had Jonah since a puppy and he was not a rescue. He has never been a food hound. When I put his food down he will smell it go lay down a little away from it as if he thinking am I hungry will go back to it & maybe do that again. He also does not guard his food from other dogs & he will let them have it so I will always feed him separate if I have a foster who is a food stealer. LOL.
I always have put chicken, tuna, cot. cheese a dab on top & sometimes 2 tempt him I will have 2 take a pc. & give it 2 him for him 2 decide if he wants 2 eat. He does the same w/his cookies at night we will play pick the hand. I give it 2 him he will lay it down like I have 2 tell him ok take it. Which I never taught him that he just has always done it I don't know why.
He also will back away when ppl stand over him 2 pat his head. Myself I have always learned that u should kneel down & scratch on the chin when u approach a dog. We r very tall & 2 them & most dogs when they see a hand coming its scary. Also Jonah has never been hit I believe in positive reinforcement so its not like he even knows what a slap is.
When I pick up Jonah since I am right handed I do it from his left side so I feel comfortable and it is easier for me to sit down & do it 2 get a good grip. He will even turn around for me if he approaches me from his right side.
Just saying that alot of the behavior sounds like normal little dog behavior my Silkys even had alot of these behaviors. It really sounds like u guys r doing a grt8 job & ur Cotons r coming along just fine.
U know Jonah will not take treats from other ppl when they offer them 2 him @ the park etc. even ppl. he knows. Which honestly I am glad but I did not teach him that. He has always done that. But he will let others feed him in home if by some chance I am away. Just thought I would throw my 2 cents in.
May 16, 2013 Rating
H B CANDIENEW by: sherry cotton candie
Thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes and comments.
We have taken Candie lots of places with us to help her get out and used to being around people and animals. She now walks great on her leash, does not shy from people UNLESS they bend over her to pet her. She still has a issue with standing up over her -- even with me. In order to pick her up I have to sit down, she will then come to me. It took her from july to april for her to accept petting from my husband. She will jump up on the couch or bed and sit beside him, but she does not want him to pick her up, I still have to lift her in and out of her crate when getting in the car.
She seems to trust people better when they have a dog, friends that bring a dog over she does not shy from. the only advice I can give you Kat is just be patient and expose her to as many people as possible, especially if they have dogs. I had no idea it would take so long but perhaps she will never be totally trusting of people. We take it slow with her, she waits to be invited into doorways, to eat, basically everything. She has no opinions or demands. So pitiful sometimes when her eyes are just blank of expression. She is a terrific little girl who does like attention, just shy in expressing herself. Cotton has been terrific with her.
We took them both to a retirement/nursing home a few days ago, they had a pet walk for all the residents. Candie did well with watching everyone and not trembling but she did not want touched. She did greet all the other dogs nose to nose and tail sniffing. Sounds like Molly's hair is similar to Candies. I need to brush her daily also and need to keep her short. Cotton is left long as she does not tangle as easily.
Did not mean to write so much, just cannot quit talking about my girls. They are so precious, each in their own way. We do love our cotons-or whatever they are.
May 16, 2013 Rating
KatNEW by: Vicky & Jonah (Az)
Have u tried going 2 a dog park 2 socialize ur Coton. Now ur Coton may stick by ur side & not romp & play much but that is ok. The more u go lets say once or twice a week ur Coton will start 2 c ppl as non-threatening.
Granted it will not happen overnight but they will sense as u interact w/ppl that it is ok. If ur Coton shakes do not pet her & say "It's ok" just ignore it.
Now I am not saying that if ur pup is sitting next 2 u and u have ur hand on her or r petting her not 2, 2 build confidence. I'm just saying don't use the wording "it's ok" since they usually associate that word w/acceptable behavior. Hope this might help.
May 16, 2013 Rating
Mill rescuesNEW by: Kat
I also have a coton who is a mill rescue. She looks alot like your Candie. Her coat is the same colour and looks the same as Candie's I know that mine is AKC and CKC registared. My Sadie girl is still very shy and gets scared easily. I call her my velcro dog. She is bonded to me and just now starting to let other people touch her. It makes me so sad that she has so many fears. Maybe you could offer me some advise on how to help her learn that lots of people can love her. It would be so nice to see her gain some confidence. She is the sweetest girl and I love her lots. She is about 4 years old now. I have had her for a year.
May 15, 2013 Rating
Happy Birthday CandieNEW by: Vicky & Jonah (Az)
It does not matter if she is part Coton or not. U can tell she is in the Bischon (small curly dog) family which they all r. She's family here. What a grt8 story and she will love her steak and ice cream. May u all have a wonderful day lots of fun treats and love. Happy Happy 5th Birthday.
May 15, 2013 Rating
Candies curlsNEW by: Anne/Glenmoore PA
Hi. Candie has really changed since you found her. She looks a different dog. Wow. All that good care and love makes a difference. She is beautiful.
We adopted our Molly who we believe is a Coton as well. But if she is not, she sure is beautiful and a little angel. Her hair is beautiful and it curls on her body but not on her head, ears or tail. She is all white with the exception of her ears and they are black, grey, white, and apricot. As Molly's hair grows it keeps the curls but they are large and soft not like a bichon's curls. Her coat is very thick and must be brushed every day. We try to keep her in a shorter cut because grooming is easier. When her hair is short, she loves being brushed, combed, etc. But when it gets long, you have to chase her.
T-Gaspard du haut de ses deux ans et demi espiègle, malicieux au centre de ma vie, il rit, il me sourit se cache, il fait des cabrioles. Par l’amour qu’il