Obedience training & dog park socialization activities. See if u have a local "Field & Obiendience" group where the training gets cheaper as u go if not try ur local Petsmart.
Stay w/a credible training center but get some help before something terrible happens. Good luck.
Jun 30, 2012 Rating
Dexter by: Anonymous
Funny! Our Coton is named Dexter, too! He is gray and white. What color is your Dexter?
We love him dearly, but he has become a nipper/biter. He charges our front door and has nipped kids running through our yard, pulled so hard on this lead, slipped through, and nipped someone. He believes his job is to "protect" our family. I am so afraid he is going to be reported and we will have to get rid of him. Suggestions?
Dexter's Mom
Jun 30, 2012 Rating
Dexter by: Vicky & Jonah (Az)
Happy, Happy B-day. May ur day be filled with lots of fun & treats. Have a wonderful year.
Jun 30, 2012 Rating
Cotton and I wish you a very special day. I too am amazed that these dogs ever wind up homeless. Cotton is such a wonderful little girl and I would love to find another coton (older) for her a playmate. -- I have checked thru pages of shelter animals on the computer and find none, lots of really adorable dogs out there but we need something low key like her.
Enjoy your day Dexter!
Jun 30, 2012 Rating
Happy Birthday, Dexter by: Deede
I agree with you. Our coton is a rescue that was picked up by animal control. Just amazing ..... Happy Birthday to Dexter!
Jun 30, 2012 Rating
Happy Birthday Dexter! by: DeMarie Rossi
So happy that Dexter found a forever home! Many years ago I received my first Coton as a gift and after he passed I was devastated - I adopted a rescue Peek in his honor and had her for 13 years - she passed away a few months ago and so off to the rescue I went again - and there waiting for me was a Coton named Brie - I took her home and renamed her BeBe. I feel like she was a little gift from heaven by my Coton Jacques and my Peek China. Rescues are the best, they seem to know that you gave them a second chance. BeBe is smart and funny and so loyal - it amazes me that anyone would not want her, but I am sure glad that I have been blest with another Coton!
This is Teddy our lovely 2 year old boy we were very fortunate to get from a local rescue centre. I had been grieving our 16 year old Bichon and thought