Help! My baby is getting old, what do I need to know?

by Annette G
(Austin, TX)

My little Louie Coton has been the most precious addition to my life. He is the only dog I've ever had and I feel so incredibly blessed. I would never consider another breed after knowing what I know now. In June he turned 10 and I worry a bit. He is still playful but I can see the changes slowly taking place. Is it a myth or is he really 70 in human years?

He can't jump near as high so finally after many years of avoiding it he uses a step to get on and off my bed. A time or two his back legs barely make it on the couch. I'd like to be mindful of what I need to know to care for my aging angel. Is there any advice this community can offer. Anything I should watch for?

He gets his annual exam and teeth cleaning annually. Heck I turned 50 and feel aches and pain daily. I wish he could tell me what's hurting so I could be there for him like he has been for me. I Need him around for a long time I pray!

Comments for Help! My baby is getting old, what do I need to know?

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Dec 29, 2024
Incontinence NEW
by: Anne Marie Fontaine

My 13 year old Coton is Peeing in the house. I have some diapers for him for the night time. And for when I am out. I’m just wondering if this is just old age creeping in. Or if there’s something I can do about it medically.

Feb 10, 2015
Jazzy NEW
by: Gale

What great news about Jazzy's recovery!!

Feb 10, 2015
My older Coton de Tulear NEW
by: Anonymous

We have a Coton De Tulear 8 years old at the time . She is 9 years old now. She had sever problems with her back legs. She couldn't walk . Our Vet didn't have any hope for her. She paralized her back legs . We had a suggestion to take her for acupuncture ,we did. Now she is walking , no potty accidence in the house . I take her for a short walk, 1block when weather permits .
We built a small ramp for her to use off the deck . also off the patio door . She doesn't have to jolt her spine and legs trying to get up and down the stairs. She loves it !! We don't have to carry her to the grass area anymore . Her food is all homemade for the passed year .
Her medical condition was so bad , blood in urine. raw skin on the underside off her tummy and legs . she was a in really bad shape. My husband would take her outside and express her bladder to relieve her.Lucky He was home to give her all the care and love she needed . At one point we didn't know if she would make it through the night .
I could go on and on with more details about her success to her healthy recovery !! Jazzy was in intensive care in our
home , with a BEAUTIFUL HAPPY ENDING !!! All OUR LOVE !! XXXOOO Jazzy.

Jan 26, 2015
Louie NEW
by: Vicky & Jonah

It sounds like your already doing what u can for his senior yrs. Annual vet & teeth check ups. I would consult w/my vet when he feels senior food should start to introduced since it contains certain vitamins according to their ageing process.

Most food brands carry a senior formula so you don't need to switch brands just formula mix.

It seems just like yesterday I brought Jonah home & he just turned 7 in Dec. My oh my where did the time go? I guess that means I'm older to (-:)

Jan 21, 2015
Coco NEW
by: Suz

Did u ever have problems with barking at airports or on the plane? Any flying travel tips?

Jan 21, 2015
My baby is 16.5! NEW
by: Nikki H

Coco Chanel is our 2nd Coton. Our first one,Remy, died at 16 years old. We brought Coco home at 11 weeks and she is now16.5; she'll be 17 June 23, 2015. We feel blessed every day that she's still with us. Even at 16, Coco still loves playing "catch me if you can". We have not encouraged her to dance, twirl or do those fabulous leaps she used to do since she dislocated her hind leg at 10 years old. She's still an amazing traveler. We spent Thanksgiving in NYC. Yes, she flies in cabin always (never, ever in the belly of the plane). Last week she had a mini stroke but by the grace of God she seems to have recovered! Her hearing started declining at about age 14 and now she really can't hear at all. Her eye sight is compromised but she still recognizes us. She is still our most beautiful, affectionate, sweetest baby girl! Just continue to cherish your sweet baby. Everyday is precious.

Jan 21, 2015
Thanks! NEW
by: Annette

I appreciate your comments and feedback! We are all very lucky to have found our Coton's!!

Jan 21, 2015
will b following this thread NEW
by: Suz

I have 2 three yr. olds. I will feel the same. They are my ❤️.

Jan 21, 2015
Baby getting old NEW
by: sherry cotton candie

My cotons are young at 4 and 6 but from having a poodle that lived to almost 16 I would think all we can do is give them the best food we can afford, regular vet checks, keep their weight down and excercise......Most important lots of attention and love.

From what I had read prior to getting a coton they are a healthy breed, some develop heart problems but that could be from diet or lack of activity --don't know.

They are very special and when mine start aging I know I shall be worried like you are. We wish yours a long long life!

Jan 21, 2015
Getting old NEW
by: Judy

This is my first Coton now 10 months. I did a lot of research. I was advised they can live to 16. I lost both of my Shelties within a week of each other last February, they were also my life. They were 13. Enjoy every happy minute with your Coton. He will live to see many more days

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