House training advice

by Terrie

I have a neutered, six month old male pup. I am having a difficult time house training him. I take him outside at 5 in the morning and he will go. Any other time during the day that I put him out I cannot count on him going. After a 10 to 15 minute wait he doesnt do anything. So i bring him back in. Later he sneaks into a corner and does his thing in the house.

How do i break this habit?

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Jun 07, 2024
5 months and STILL housetraining
by: Fed Up

UGH! First off, if I read one more comment about how housetraining was complete by 4 months old I'll scream. Second, (and more to the point), my Coton is 5 months and one week old and STILL has an accident once a day! I take her out at all the advised times (after a nap, after eating, blah blah blah) and AT LEAST every hour throughout the day and STILL accidents with NO warning! Yes, I've used the bell, yes, I have her tethered when I can't be in the same room, yes, I praise her every time she goes and STILL accidents! Between that and her crying whenever I leave the house makes me want to rehome her. Am I missing something?!

Jul 15, 2023
Potty Training NEW
by: Anonymous

Never had too many issues with potty training.
Started him outdoors as soon as we got him at 3 months give or take. It took until he was about 6 months to get it right. Took him out at 2 am for awhile in the beginning. Set a schedule and keep to it. Now at 7 months, out at 7:30 give or take, out again around 9:30, out at lunch, out around 5 pm. out at 11 pm. You have to watch them...when they are at the door, they usually want to do something, although they can deceive you because they just want to go check things out....the key is to be vigilante, and it helps if you are home all the time obviously.....if not then the pee pad may be needed.
I find it a bit strange, but our guy likes to poop twice early in the morning, and if I say let's go for a walk around noon, I have learned that if I let him run around the yard on leash for a bit. he goes crazy, because he knows we are going for a walk, he will usually poop that saves having to clean up poop on the walk....just a tip...

Ottawa Ontario

Mar 14, 2021
House training
by: Anonymous

Day time and awake time take him out every 2 hours once. Praise him when he does outside with good boy and treat. Inside, when he does show your displeasure by saying bad boy. Catch him in the act and take him out ...within 1 week to 10 days he will be trained. Once month or so he may he may do accidents but 2-3 months later that will stop. Remove all traces of indoor pee with sting neutralizers. So his doggy sense to pee does not trigger. You should be good. Note; I have 4 year old cotton and he never pees at 🏠. Most important learn and train your pup on crate training that helps immensely.Good luck!!

Mar 13, 2021
House Training NEW
by: Robin

You might find success by giving a treat whenever he succeeds in going outdoors. Obviously no treats when going inside. Give the behavior a name, "Going potty," Potty?," whatever you choose, but be consistent so he associates the verbal with going potty outside. Good luck with the potty training. Consistency, patience and treats should accelerate the training.

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