How do i teach my coton not to run to strangers

by Morticia93

Every time we go out, when someone walks by she wants to play and run to the stranger, i don't want that :/ . I say 'NO' but she doesn't listen.

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Mar 01, 2014
running to strangers NEW
by: Anonymous

our trainer had us a two word command. "Saylor here." you start in the house saying the dogs name and here. when he or she comes, you treat them. it will not take them long to realize when you give them this command and they come to you something great happens, a treat. then we took it outside. a little harder because there is so much distraction but practice practice practice!

Jul 27, 2013
Leave it! NEW
by: Iris Miller

Sometimes the command Leave it! or, SIT!! works with my dog.I have to shorten the leash and hold him to the side or behind me. Another trick is turn around and walk the other way, several times if you have to, so the dog knows you are leading and they need to watch and follow you. It's really hard sometimes to keep them from going to friendly people who want to play with and pet them, because our Coton's are so cute and curious.

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