How do you break a Coton of growling and running crazy when playing?

by Mary

He is so great in every other way, but at 5 months this isn't changing and it can scare onlookers. He is too fast to catch and crate. We don't want to chase him so he thinks it is a game. The growling and barking when he cranks up is making it less than fun and somewhat concerning!

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Mar 28, 2018
Barking NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a gotten,he is a mail. He is a little darling he is nearly 8 months. He worries me though as regards the children and myself. He has gone for us a couple of times. He growls, and bites, although he has never drawn blood. Is this normal. He barks at every little noise that he hears. He still dosen't recognise the famiky when they knock on the door. He goes mad. I just don't know what to think.

Sep 14, 2013
Growling NEW
by: DeMarie

I am very concerned that someone was told by a "trainer" not to allow their dog to growl - this can create a very serious situation - growls are normal behavior and at times can be a warning before a bite. Dogs that are disciplined not to growl will attack without warning - this is very common knowledge in the training world. This trainer is not a good one and should not be teaching owners to discipline in this manner.

Sep 14, 2013
Let him be a dog! NEW
by: Anonymous

Those are some of the things that make this breed unique, dont change your baby! Thats very healthy

Aug 29, 2013
Noises NEW
by: Anonymous

Cotons are famous for these noises; growling and yipping. This is actually playful. My little psycho runs around the house with a toy in his mouth in circles growling & sliding from room to room. This happens out of nowhere. It's hysterical. A good sign to check is that no matter the noise of lack thereof when your pet is playing with other pets or people is that if the tail is wagging your pet is happy.

Aug 26, 2013
Playing NEW
by: Vicky & Jonah

He is 5 months. This is just a puppy thing. If he seems to excited for you take a small walk or visit a local dogpark & let him run & play & tire him out.

Aug 17, 2013
To Coton Lover NEW
by: Anonymous

You NEVER want to correct a dog for growling. Whether they are growling because they are just playing, or whether they are growling as a warning..get it? "warning" If a dog doesn't warn and ends up to be a biter, that is because you trained the "growl" out of him. Very dangerous..dogs must be dogs..sometimes I think that people think they are human..they are not human, they are an animal. It's just like the complaints that the puppy is biting..they are learning bite inhibition...they need to learn bite inhibition for the same reasons above. Just because someone calls themselves a trainer, it doesn't mean they know what they are doing. The water bottle can be a good deterrent, for things like jumping on people or chewing on your table legs, etc .

Aug 17, 2013
You are the alpha dog!!!! NEW
by: Coton lover

Cotons are VERY active and should be allowed to exercise as much as they can. Growling, in my opinion is not acceptable. Our dog trainer suggested a high power spray bottle sprayed on the body, only to stop an unwanted behavior. Our Coton learned very quickly and now we only have to say bottle, and she stops any unwanted behavior. It is so important to train your puppy so that your time together is pleasant and unforgettable. You are the alpha dog, not your puppy!! Good Luck

Aug 16, 2013
Maybe a breed trait? NEW
by: Marcia

I think it's a Coton trait. My Beau will be 3 years next month, and he loves to growl and run when he is playing, especially with my son. Beau has us figured out - when he wants to get "crazy", he goes to my son; when he wants to be cuddled, he comes to me, lol! I know the play growling sounds scary, but that is nothing compared to the REAL growling and barking he does if someone he does not know is at our front door! I have Beau as a companion and pet, not as a watch dog. However, I do appreciate the early warning of that big growl coming from that little body.

Aug 16, 2013
crazy when playing NEW
by: sherry cotton candie

Cotton has always done this and when playing tug-of-war it can almost be scary. She sounds as though she is going to eat us up she gets so loud and vocal. We just accept it as her excitement and when game is over she is very quiet again.

When we first got our rescue dog candie it would scare her and she would run and hide. She now is used to it but when the occasion comes that she will play she is so quiet. Total opposites.

Just enjoy your puppy-they are such a treasure.

Aug 15, 2013
coton running& growling
by: suzan

My cotton did the same thing run around the house with a playful growl a matter a fact she is now 4yrs old and still runs around the house she's letting out her energy. Your dog is still a puppy don't crate him for being a puppy.

Aug 15, 2013
by: Anonymous

We had two Coton pups, we called it the CRAZIES...whatever, they outgrow it and you will want to see it again. They are just pups having on them.
On Obediance Training...funny story, Lizzie went and Gracie didn't....Gracie is not the barker and minds better. HAHAHA

Aug 15, 2013
It takes patience
by: Kevin

You just have to outlive him. ;-)

Aug 15, 2013
Coton Zoomies
by: DeMarie

What you describe is very normal behavior for a Coton Pup - and even Coton adults :) - play growling and running are part of the Coton personality :). Coton lovers call that the Coton Zoomies. Coton's are very active little dogs and this is one of the ways they interact. If you start crating your dog every time he starts doing this you will have a very frustrated puppy with no outlet for his energy. Embrace the play and enjoy your dog. Growling during excitement is not aggressive in any manner - it is a way for the puppy to communicate and have a bit of fun!

Aug 15, 2013
Dogs will be dogs
by: Anonymous

Do children scream when they are running and playing in the schoolyard? Play growling is a far cry from baring teeth in an aggressive way. He is only 5 months old and full of energy. A simple rule to remember while raising a puppy..a tired puppy is a good puppy. Maybe a few walks on a leash during the day will's a more controlled environment as well. A dog is what you put into classes are a good avenue. Puppies don't come trained. They aren't perfect little beings that you can put away on a shelf when you are done. You must put the time into them and that should start now. If you make a big deal about his puppy zoomies, then he will just want to do it more. So it's a good thing you are not chasing him..Maybe run in the opposite direction..have a treat with you..and if you can get him to sit you can treat him. Definitely get him into some obedience training.

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