Is it anymore difficult to keep them clean

by Michael Kane
(.N Ireland)

I was wondering do they get very dirty out walking because of their colour

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May 25, 2015
Surf the Beach Bum NEW
by: Surf's Mom

Surf is constantly getting dirty due to living on the beach. Sand, dirt and foxtails are washed off daily. I had an outside shower constructed for Surf & the grandchildren. No one comes in from the beach without getting washed. I make sure to use a shampoo with conditioner on his paws, makes brushing easier. To save on water I now have a tub filled with water just enough to cover his paws. Rinse & we are ready!

May 24, 2015
dirty cotons NEW
by: sherry cotton candie

Oh Yes!! Mine have come in looking gray from the knees down when we walk certain places. Under the tummy as well. This is in addition to all the debris stuck in their long hair.

They are dirt magnets and be sure and keep yours away from any pine trees if any are around. Those needles get in the hair and are really difficult to get out. I ended up cutting hair on mine one time as she had so many and was getting upset over all the pulling.

I will usually fill the sink with a little soap and water and stand them in it for a couple minutes, rinse their legs off and towel dry. It is just easier than trying to brush it out......Mine are everywhere and in my bed so I do like to keep them clean as possible.

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