Is it ok to keep my coton in a garage when i'm at work?

by Linchy

I'm asking because of the room temperature.I want my coton to have enough space and the garage is big, have enough light through the day but in winter is a bit cold. Around 15 degree C.I read a lot about cotons loves winter more then summer, but I'm still not sure, it's the right room to keep coton in it. I'm asking, because I'm planning to purchase a puppy this spring and want to inform myself about every detail to make my future dog the most comfortable for him.

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Oct 09, 2018
Don’t leave you Coton alone all day
by: Marcia

Would you like to be in a garage all day? Please don’t Get a Coton . Wait until you retire or someone can take care of it. I leave our dog who is potty trained for the most 5 hours but mostly 3-4. She has nevered peed in our apartment. She is 4 years old , well trained and rings a concierge bell when she needs to go out. Took her to puppy school then advanced. She loves to run outside. She waits at the door for us to come home. Or she jumps on the bed where I have a little mat that she sleeps on . She also has a bed below me that she also likes. They are best dogs ever but loves to be with when you can. Everyone wants our Gracie but I always tell them what I just wrote above . Good luck!

Jan 18, 2018
Leave dog in garage
by: Sharon & Jasmine

Not such a good idea. I also worked full time when I got Jasmine 4 years ago. I came home for lunch. I would have never got her if I couldn't come to check on her and take her out to potty. I use to live in Michigan and she liked running through the snow but now we live in California and she likes warm much better, as I do. I crated her until she was potty trained which she did quickly. I would never leave a puppy in a cold place all day. This might not be a good idea to get a Coton at this time. Plus they love to be around people. I am retired now and she loves it. Plus we can go outside all the time. She likes people much better than other dogs, as she wants to be center of attention. And she is.

Jan 17, 2018
I just want the best for him...
by: Linchy

Thanks so much for all your answers. First of all I asked about tne garage as the propriate place, because I'm realy not excited about a crate or playpan. I think it is better for him to have a big, spacious place.Then I read a lot, that the cotons like winter much more then the summer and thought low temperature don't boder them much. But still...leaving him on the 15 degre C make me doubted. I must also explain that the garage is a part of our house. It is actualy under one of the bedrooms and that is why I don't see the diferences between any other room. The house is under alarm and the garage isn't. But if this is not a good solution, I can still make a place for him at a bathroom and one of the small room. It will be smaller place, but warmer. I'm asking all of this because I want the best for him.And here is another your comment,that bother me...leaving him alone and go to work.I explained that with some breeders asked and all of them ensured me it's ok leaving a dog alone and go to work. Because that is the way of today's lifestyle.

Jan 17, 2018
Coton in Garage
by: Anonymous

Well, here's your answer. Would you like to be left alone in a cold garage for 9-10 hours? My advice is not to get a Coton until you are ready to take care of it properly.

Jan 16, 2018
Separation anxiety
by: Iris

Please do not leave a coton alone, especially if it is new.
I am telling you from experience, a Coton is a very social animal and attached to his owner and family. It is like having a baby. I did not understand this and got my Coton too toung, and was working full time. I created a kennel in my oversized bathroom with everything he needed. My terrible mistake was that he was lonely and afraid and cried for hours( i only found out that he was crying from my next door apartment neighbor months later. My dear boy Tuffy is now ten years old and no amount of love and training have taken away his fearful anxiety. My advice, have a family member or friend who is home all day dog sit for you. Then the dog will have the love and play and companioship it deserves, it disturbs me very much to read the question about leaving him in the garage. Find a safe warm place to keep your dog or wait until you retire to get one.

Jan 16, 2018
Leaving a Coton puppy in a garage
by: Anonymous

Hi, I would strongly recommend not to leave your pup in the garage. Rather do as with babies. Play Pan or better a create at home big enough. What I do is I put Toby in the entrance that is separated from the rest of the house by French door. I place his toys there, water and his floor diper mat. He is very happy there. He is not crying when we leave and probably sleeps when he is alone. I hope you can figure out the right solution🤔 Yolanda

Jan 16, 2018
Cotons and garage living
by: Gale

Hi Linchy, thanks for posting your question. I always say that if something is dangerous or questionable for you or a child, it's not likely to be good for your Coton.

Leaving a small dog like a Coton in a cold garage without human contact can lead to safety concerns as well as socialization and behavior issues. I strongly advise to look for another alternative inside your home. This breed thrives on human contact and being left alone all day isolated in a garage is not recommended.

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