Is My Family Too Crazy for a Coton de Tulear?

by Doris

I've always thought that my next dog would be a Coton de Tulear. I just love everything I've read about their personalities and they sure are cute.

My only concern is how well this breed will do in a crazy family like mine (crazy in a good way). I have 5 kids and 12 Grandkids and too many Grandpets to count (lots of cats, dogs, hamsters, rabbits).

While we don't all live together (just me and my husband right now) there's always a ton of people and animals at my house and I just want to make sure a Coton dog will feel comfortable in a home where there's always a lot of activity going on.


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Oct 25, 2010
Tuffy the klutz
by: Iris Miller

My Coton Tuffy also loves a lot of play and attention but he is also a klutz, very clumsy and getting underfoot. He has had his poor feet stepped on more times than I can count, and was nearly seriously injured at an outdoor party last year, when he ran in the path of an elderly man and the man fell. Half of Tuffy's body was pinned under the man and was so squashed it squeezed the puppy's urine out of him (he was later upset about what he thought was his fault, a pee pee accident, poor baby). Needless to say I was terrified and both Tuffy and I were very upset. I don't think he realized it was not intentional that the man hurt him. It was very traumatic.Tuffy was blamed for the accident, as I was (for bringing him along)and I was informed not to bring him along to any more of those gatherings.
I had a portable crate with me but Tuffy was running around playing soccer with the kids and having fun off the leash for the first time and I did not crate him.
Tuffy has separation anxiety and I really struggle with my conscience when I have to leave him home. I have already begun turning down social invitations.Tuffy's happy existence is more important to me than cake and ice cream.
Yup, I have humanized my Coton. I love him SO much!

Oct 24, 2010
my coton
by: Anonymous

I find that my coton is most happy with lots of people and other animals around. He thrives from the attention of other people and loves to be around other animals. My house is full of life. With my 2 boys ages 8 and 9, and their friends and pets. My boy's love to run around in the house and have the dogs chase them. they are always yelling and screaming. I thought that my coton would be a little nervous. But nope he loves all the action in the house. When he wants to rest he just goes to his little space he has made for himself (under the dining table) and rests. Then he comes out ready to go again. I pesonally think with all this going on in my house, my dog has shown more of his personality. He is such a loving and friendly dog. I could not have picked a better dog for our family.

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