Meet Buffy's new brother Buddy

by Dale
(North Carolina)

Buffy and Buddy waiting for mommy

Buffy and Buddy waiting for mommy

We love Buffy so much that I wanted to get her a playmate and purchased Buddy two weeks ago. Unfortunately, When I brought him the vet identified a heart murmur I wasn't told about, he is under weight, had worms, separation anxiety, and acts like he was abused. No matter what I paid for him, it was well worth the money too save this little boy's life. Buffy is such a sweet sister and even lets him sleep in bed with us. We will love him and fatten him up in no time. Cotons rule in this family.

Comments for Meet Buffy's new brother Buddy

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Sep 26, 2016
Buddy NEW
by: Jacquie Thompson

I love this story ,I do hope all will be ok for little Buddy . Hes got a new friend a new life and a forever home with you all .Heres to lots of happy times together x

Sep 23, 2016
Having two cotons NEW
by: Dale

Thanks for your kind words. I opted to get an older Coton that is one month younger then Buffy vice starting over with a puppy. If I did it over, I would rather have two females. Boys at 20 months may mark their territory in the house. Buddy was caught once lifting a leg šŸ˜’. We said no to him without raising our voice because he is still scared. It's now over two weeks and I've got the hang of walking them together except when they decide to play and tangle the leashes around me. They play, bark, and use the house as a raceway but are nice to each other. Buffy is also a very spoiled baby and the first day let buddy know it was her house. Wouldn't let him move around until he submitted to her. Good luck with your decision and let me know if you get another one.

Sep 23, 2016
Buddy is a lucky boy NEW
by: Linda

I hope the heart murmur is not a health issue for Buddy. He is so fortunate to have you. I have considered getting another Coton as a playmate for our 6 year old little girl. I would appreciate hearing about your two Cotons and if you think it was the best thing for both of them. Our Coton is pretty spoiled and may not want to share.

Sep 22, 2016
Congratulations NEW
by: Anonymous

Good luck on your new addiction!

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