My Mom decided to go back to shorter cut and we are ever so sorry! Help!

by Shanna

My mom has a beautiful Coton. He is just over 5 years old. He had such silky, long, flowing hair. It was just a sight to see and feel!!! However, Mom decided in May to try a shorter cut, in hopes to decide if she wanted to return him to The Puppy Cut.

He looked cute for a bit, but as his coat began to regrow, the problems began. His hair mats like crazy now, making grooming which was relaxing and soothing to both him and my Mom, now a chore. He is in such pain from the brushing and the continual mats. It seems no matter what my Mom tries (ICE and other sprays, which worked wonderfully before the cut) now seem so ineffective.

I guess I am wondering, is it possible that the groomer used clippers on his coat, to trim it, instead of scissors and that is causing the insanity???

Has anyone had experience with clipping an adult coat and running into these problems? If so, does the coat eventually settle out again? Or do we need to take him in again and have him cut shorter, ensuring with scissors, to get rid of the destroyed ends which may be causing the extra mats?

My Mom feels so guilty and sorry for taking him in to be clipped shorter. I wonder if anyone could help me help her get through this with her four-legged furbaby?

Thank you so much for your time and help.

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Aug 11, 2015
short cut NEW
by: sherry cotton candie

I do not know why cutting hair should cause matting, from what
I have read and seen from groomers most use both trimmers and scissors....I am sure not an expert on hair but I have found with my two that the shampoo used can really make a big difference in their hair as far as matting and appearance. Has that changed for yours?

Mine hate to be brushed and although I love the long hair and look they have with it I now have both of mine in a puppy cut. It is cooler for them and they no longer try and hide when I pick up a brush. Mats are terrible for them and us.

My one is almost 5 and the other is 7 and the only difference I have noticed as they age is their hair does not seem as thick. Perhaps when cut shorter it just looks that way.

Hope you can find a solution but maybe change shampoo and see if that would help. Good Luck.

Aug 10, 2015
scissor cut NEW
by: Shanna

I didn't post a picture, of anything at all, so I'm not sure what you're seeing.

As to the grooming, before my Mom cut him short, his hair was glossy, soft, cottony but untangled, and down to the floor. He hardly matted at all and my mom simply brushed him 3o mins a day to maintain it, dote on him and relax the both of them.

The problems all started after his haircut, which was after he was 5 years old. We are at a loss for what to do.

Thanks for your input. All of the things I can find on grooming sites and other comments on forums say to only sisscor cut Coton's. I guess we will just take him in and get his ends scissor trimmed and hope that he will return to his old, non-matting self in a few months.

Aug 10, 2015
short cut matting NEW
by: Iris

I was expecting to see a picture of the dog, instead of poop bags. What's up with that?
As for haircut of Coton, if you researched it online, I found a groomer who has Coton de Tulear dogs and shows a video of how to groom and brush the hair. The instructor said never scissor cut their hair,only use clippers. Also, their sleek hair pre maturity changes when they get older, wavy and more cottony. My dog makes qtip type mats and fur balls every time he scratches. I use a wire brush and metal comb and de matter that takes days of work,and after I'm all done the mats come back, and they do hurt the dog,it winds to the skin. As beautiful as they look with long hair, it's just not worth the pain and agony for my Coton or me. The puppy cut with long tail and ears is the way to go. Keep the both of us more relaxed.

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