My Tuffy died today
by Iris
(Campbell,CA USA)
Thursday March 15,2018 6:46AM
Angels have him he smiled when they took him rip. My heart my good boy. You took care of me, always be with me. I love you Tough Guy "Tuffy" Coton.
12/26/07 -3/15/18
On Friday he had his booster shots, rabies,distemper,parvothe Vet said you have a healthy dog, he just needs his teeth cleaned. On Saturday hw tapped me on the arm and looked in my eyes, he could not eat or drink and was lethargic. On Sunday he began vomiting profusely,over 20 times.Tuffy was weak and dehydreated. We went back to the Vet, he was rehydrated and injected with medicines for acute pabcreatitis and infected liver, we had to go back again for more rehydration and additional stronger meds. Tuffy was in a lot of pain . I was instructed to feed him honey for energy and give him water and meds with a syringe, poor Tuffy was bloated from the inflamed liver and in extreme pain, He suffered and got so weak he could not walk.
He died suffering for hours,on my bed in my arms this morning. I am distraught and beside myself without my good boy Tuffy. He will be cremated and returned to me in a box in two weeks. He was my heart.❤️🐶🌹 Iris Miller
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