Mythological Dog Names:
Do these names suit your dog?

Mythological dog names can be perfect for your new puppy. Many of these names from mythology are very unusual and may be the perfect fit for your dog.

Why choose mythological names for your dog? It's fun to give your dog a name that represents his or her personality and myths are full of bigger than life legends, heroes, and those with super powers. Is your dog strong or dominant? A name like Hercules or Adonis might be perfect. Does your curious female dog have a nose for trouble? Pandora may describe her best. Oedipus may be a good choice for all of the mama's boy puppies out there.

Here are some of our favorites:

Female Mythological Names Male Mythological Names
Andromeda Apollo
Antigone Argus
Aphrodite Aries
Artemis Atlas
Athena Bacchus
Aurora Beowulf
Calliope Castor
Calypso Cephalus
Camilla Connor
Cassandra Cupid
Chloe Damon
Dalia Diomedes
Daphne Dylan
Deirdre Eros
Delia Galahad
Diana Gemini
Dido Adonis
Dione Ajax
Echo Gunnar
Electra Hades
Eudora Hector
Flora Hercules
Althea Hermes
Halcyone Icarus
Harmonia Jupiter
Iris Lancelot
Isis Lucifer
Isolde Mars
Juno Mercury
Kalliope Merlin
Lorelei Midas
Luna Morpheus
Maya Nala
Minerva Narcissus
Nemesis Neptune
Nike Nestor
Pandora Oedipus
Parthenia Orestes
Pax Orion
Pomona Oscar
Radha Paris
Reva Pegasus
Rhea Pluto
Rhiannon Poseidon
Selena Prometheus
Shanta Puck
Thalia Ravi
Theia Remus
Venus Romulus
Phoebe Sanjaya
Medusa Saturn
Laverna Thor
Indira Tristan
Helene Ulysses
Enid Zeus

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