After 2 1/2/years, our Coton began to get aggressive ( run after cars, growl at people walking by) so we called a great trainer who taught us how to be the pack leaders. We have her on a medium leash and bring treats on every training walk. She is told to sit as we see or hear a car, person or bicycle coming by- we keep feeding her treats with verbal praise as the person or object passes. It’s getting better but you must be consistent. She is no longer permitted on our bed EVER. She became aggressive when we commanded her "off" when time to go to her bed for the night. That behavior is gone. She gets crated when we leave to go out so she’s safe and keeps out of trouble. She is always fed in her crate so she associates going in her crate is good. She gets a treat to go in her crate when we leave. This is a lot of work, but she is a wonderful dog & getting better.
Jan 07, 2017 Rating
Are Cotons usually nasty over time?NEW by: Anonymous
Some day I would like to get a Coton De Tulear but not if this breed as a whole is aggressive.
Are there any good testimonies of anyone who has had a Coton for many years and it never showed aggression?
I read on the net that inbreeding is used to continue the Coton breed because it is a rare breed and near extinction - maybe this is why the Cotons have exhibited behavior problems!
I also read the Coton club discourages American Kennel Club involvement with this breed but at least the AKC requires DNA testing for parentage and maybe this would eliminate inbreeding.
From a dog lover in New Jersey
Mar 25, 2016 Rating
Aggressive CotonNEW by: Anonymous
Getting professional help is best. Researching trainers and training techniques is a MUST. Yes, an aggressive dog (Coton or otherwise) needs a firm Alpha. We volunteer for a rescue and are currently fostering a Coton who I believe was somewhat head-strong, maybe even aggressive in his previous home. Unfortunately, those owners completely mis-used an electronic shock collar and he ended up with burns around his neck. Now, he has serious defense aggression, as he over-reacts to every minutely perceived threat with over-the-top aggression. Please do your research: this is a sensitive, people-loving breed. They need a confident, in-control leader, but also need (and respond well to) primarily positive-based training techniques!
Aug 20, 2014 Rating
Coton aggressionNEW by: Geeta
We had a Coton dog who turned 2 in May. We brought her in as a puppy. Over time nipping progressed to biting and most recently aggressive jumping and biting family members. Fearful and aggressive. Put her through serious training with Canine Dimensions. But unfortunately things improved temporarily and then slid . We finally had to surrender her last week so that she has a chance with a single owner who can break her dominance.
Based on personal experience and feedback from others with experience with this breed, they often need a tough Alpha .
Also realized this is not a good breed for first time dog owners, since even experienced dog owners have indicated serious aggression in this breed.
Mar 17, 2011 Rating
Coton needs training by: Gale
I agree with Iris. If you don't take action the problem will only get worse.
You didn't mention what kind of socialization or training your dog had, but both are critical for a happy well adjusted dog.
You can check with your Vet or local paper for good dog training programs in your area. If you are the do-it-yourself kind of person, there are many online programs that are quite good.
Here are some of my reviews. I like Doggy Dan because you get to see the proper training by watching videos and it's only one dollar for one week. You can watch a lot of videos in one week.
Good luck
Mar 17, 2011 Rating
dog aggression help by: Iris Miller
Go to Dog Training Tips Newsletter
Please get some socialization training for your dog, He needs to know that you are his pack leader. Good luck!
Hi! This is my soulmate and the queen of our home - Petite. She is 2 years old and she is deaf but she is funny and loyal and smart. She loves long walks,
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how