
I got my male coton neutered. Before he was super energetic playfull sometimes even to much and vocal.. It has been 3 days he only wants to stay in his kennel or find something to hide under.. Will he bounce back to himself ever he also got a rabies vaccine at the same time. He is just over 7months

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Mar 03, 2015
neutering NEW
by: Vicky & Jonah

Yes.... They should still b on medicine 1st 3 days that is an antibiotic to prevent infection & keep them calm & quiet to prevent the stitches from becoming torn.

They they should have minimal exercise for up to 2-3 wks if I remember correctly. They go out to potty only no walks to prevent damage to incision & inside to heal correctly.

It is a good thing right now they want to sleep, rest & remain quiet to heal. Try to block w/pillows, blankets, close spare room doors to prevent them from crawling under beds so they don't hurt themselves crawling out.

Remain diligence that whatever you r using to protect around their neck to prevent licking the next 2 wks works.

When you have time to sit quietly w/them take the collar off & brush out mats around neck area & gently brush them to help them feel better.

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