My cotton Daphne gets the bi-annual bolster vaccine for bordetella and another 2 vaccines. She will never get another shot if I can help it.
Seeing her healthy and happy to gradually fall into a state of depression and fear,seizure and the post seizure is traumatic. She clings to me for dear life when i have taken her to the vet. Now I know why.
Nov 10, 2017
Corky by: Anonymous
We had a male coton until about 3 yrs. ago, we had to find another home for him, because he was biting my female, but the story is,, when we first got him he had a reaction to the rabies shot. The vet had to give him a shot of Benadryl every time before he hit his shot, and they would watch him for a while, before hecame home. I don't think it is unusual for this. Good luck
Nov 10, 2017
Seizures from vacinations by: Judy
I am so sorry. My daughter's dog had a nearly fatal reaction from the rabies vaccine. Was waiting to check out and collapse. They rushed him back and transferred him to Emergency vet. They told her he would have died if she would have gotten him home Really if your dog does not go in the woods and basically a house dog why do we need all the shots. I had a Sheltie that the rabies shot affected his immune system and made him live with his joints hurting all the time. My vet said he would write a letter for me to keep so he would never get then again. He has witnessed this before
Nov 09, 2017
This is Daphne, my dog. She now suffers from seizures by: Michelle Martens
After having her last cocktail of vaccinations she had seizures every other day. The longest without had been 3 days. I need some input. Devastated owner
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how
My Coton puppy, Lola, can be calm and sweet. She can also be super hyper and off the wall. I have noticed a correlation between treats and hyperactivity.