raw food

by Bill McCall
(Austin, TX)

My Coton loves the raw food we give her, but it stains her face and beard reddish-brown. Does anyone else deal with this and is there a type of raw food that doesn't stain?

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Dec 02, 2017
raw food stains NEW
by: B

I cook chicken breast to put on top of his kibble. i cook several breasts without the fat in water in the crock pot until done, then shred them and freeze them in balls for each meal. I put 2 frozen ones in a container in the refrigerator each evening at dinner time for the next day so they will be thawed and ready to eat. He gets kibble for the crunchy with all the vitamins, etc. and the chicken for protein. He eats 2 times a day. Of course I do give him 2 little bits of just the chicken before giving him his bowl of food!!

Nov 16, 2017
Raw food NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a slave to that "food face" . I use soft bamboo fiber cloths wet and dry after each meal. Yup. Warm water,(sometimes lightly shampoo) then wipe him dry with the other. He gets a treat so he doesn't mind. But it's constant. Sometimes have to brush also after drying. Then brush his teeth. So it's treat time, anything for food. Lol.

Oct 31, 2017
Food Brands NEW
by: Anonymous

So far I have tried 5-6 different brands of frozen RAW food with same results, her face gets stained by the bloody liquids.
A friend told me today about freeze dried RAW food and I picked some up at Petco awhile ago. I may solve the problem!

Oct 31, 2017
... NEW
by: Elmar

Bill, what do you give her? Making yourself or what brand?

BTW, I'm going to be in Austin with my Coton around Christmas time.

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