Seeking advice for a Coton de Tulear with skin problem and tummy troubles

by Donna
(United Kingdom)

My Coton called Roxy is 7 years old. She’s developed skin problems on her back with the fur thinning and she gets sores/scabs at the base of her back. She also has tummy troubles. Just wondered if you’ve come across it before?

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Jun 01, 2024
Dog allergies NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, check for allergies. They are especially bad right now.
A lot of itching will cause sores.

Jun 01, 2024
Roxy NEW
by: Gale

Hi Donna - I know how frustrating and heartbreaking it is when your Coton isn’t feeling well. It’s hard to know how to respond without knowing more details, like have you seen a veterinarian? if so, what did they say? What have you done so far to help your dog? Has there been any recent changes in her life (a move, someone leaving, etc.)? What kind of food does she eat? And have you done testing for allergies?

It could be that Roxy’s stomach issues are related to her skin issues. It’s important to understand the underlying cause so you can find the best solution. I have found that a high quality diet goes a long way to improve skin and digestion. But of course, it’s super important to work with a vet to rule out serious illness and determine the best treatment.

If you provide more details, you’ll get a better response from everyone. I hope Roxy feels better soon!!!!

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