Shaker's Syndrome

by Carissa Singson
(Manila, Philippines)

My 10 month old Coton de tulear suddenly started exhibiting tremors and shakes. Nothing has changed except that she shakes a lot. She is not feverish or has any loss of appetite. I have been reading about white shaker syndrome and her symptoms are very identical. Can cotons get affected with this syndrome? Would realy appreciate any information. I am from the Philippines and I have been to 2 veterinarians and they are not familiar with this syndrome. Thank you in advance.

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Feb 13, 2016
Shaker Syndrome in Dogs article NEW
by: Anonymous

Shaker Syndrome in Dogs
Generalized Tremor Syndrome in Dogs

Shaker syndrome is a disorder which causes a dog's entire body to shake. It is also known as idiopathic cerebellitis, which describes inflammation of the cerebellum (the part of the brain that is responsible for the coordination and regulation of voluntary muscular movement) for unknown reasons.

While dogs of any coat color can be affected, those with a white hair coat are over-represented in the medical literature. For example, Maltese and West Highland white terriers appear to be predisposed. In addition, both genders are affected by shaker syndrome, especially young to middle-aged dogs.

Symptoms and Types

Diffuse body tremors
May be mistaken for anxiety, or low body temperature (hypothermia)


Although a dog may be affected by the syndrome due to unknown reasons (idiopathic), it is most often associated with mild central nervous system disease.


You will need to provide a thorough history of your dog's physical and behavioral health leading up to the onset of symptoms. Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical exam on your dog, including standard laboratory work, such as a blood chemical profile, a complete blood count, a urinalysis and an electrolyte panel to rule out other diseases. A cerebrospinal fluid (fluid from the spinal cord) sample may also be taken by your veterinarian and sent to the laboratory for analysis of the nervous system.

Your doctor will use the process of differential diagnosis to rule out each of the more common causes until the correct disorder is settled upon and can be treated appropriately. Some other causes for the tremors can be anxiety/fear, seizures, and hypothermia.

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