Showing aggression all of a sudden

by Jeanne
(Massachusetts )

I have a 2 year old Coton. We have had him since he was 4 months old he is sweet all the time but all of a sudden since he turned 2 in March he has been barking more and more over everything and all of a sudden he is jumping up and going after my husband for some reason if he comes into the house walks up stairs he chased him barking or if he is sitting watching tv and gets up quick he jumps off couch and goes at him we immediately reprimand his bad behavior and he jumps up next to him and cuddles and plays with him.

I just don't get it why he just goes at my husband like he thinks he is going to hurt me almost all of a sudden ?? Not sure what to do he is fine with me and my daughter ? Any thoughts??

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Apr 12, 2016
Bossy bertie NEW
by: Collette

My cotton will be 2 this week and reading your post has got me thinking how my Bertie has started barking more.He also now likes soft toys pulling them to bits showing who is the master lol.This must be the terrible twos lol what can you do when you absolutely adore them šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ’ž

Mar 21, 2016
Sudden aggression NEW
by: Jeanne

Thank you all for your helpful advice for me and my little Coton 'Brody' much appreciated :)

Mar 21, 2016
Agression NEW
by: Vicky & Jonah

Most dogs @ 1.5 -2 yrs hit a teenage age. I really like positive trainer Zak George & he has really good free videos @ that will help w/the sudden testing their oats is what I call it. Seeing if they can be in control. Also what Sherry said. Even thou it can be funny 2 scary for some it's perfectly normal.

Mar 21, 2016
by: SHErry candie cotton

Mine went thru this bad behaviour for a few months when she was a little over two. Actually snapped at my sister-in-law when she was giving me a good bye hug. Loud no and bad girl were enough to get her attention, I really do not remember how long it was for her to quit this but must not have been long. Its like they think we belong to them and become extremely protective.

I do not know if this is common just wanted to pass along my experience with it. Cotons do want to please so just be sure to let them know it is not acceptable. Jealousy is always a problem at my house with my one (same one) always wanting more attention.

She loves her rescued sister and they get along great except for the sharing of me. lol

If it continues for a long time or gets to biting stage then perhaps a trainer may be of help. There are lots of sites on internet that may be of help also.

Good luck!

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