Thanks Gale and Judi
They are truly amazing dogs! xxx
Mar 13, 2010
wonderful world of cotons by: judi
You are in for a treat. I too have a Coton, his name is GUS, he is now 14months, and he has been so much fun and work, but well worth it.
My husband and I are crazy about him, Cotons have darling,fun personalities and never let us get bored with him. He comes up with new antics daily, he has recently been trying to climb the huge pine trees around our area, he is so fun.
He is so affectionate and lovable, just a great little dog. I haven't run into any others around here either - we're in Draper,Utah. Hope you enjoy your puppy as much as we have!!!
Mar 09, 2010
Caught in the act by: Gale
Sophie is adorable - thanks so much for taking the time to share her photo.
I think Cotons get even more naughty as they get older. Luc is always thinking of inventive ways to get into the trash or the refrigerator. It's hard to get mad because they're so darn cute!
I hope you and Sophie enjoy many healthy and happy years together.
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how
My Coton puppy, Lola, can be calm and sweet. She can also be super hyper and off the wall. I have noticed a correlation between treats and hyperactivity.