What a nice friendly group Coton owners are.
Suzie sends loads of licks and tail wags as a Thank you for her Birthday greetings.
Jul 01, 2013 Rating
SuzieNEW by: sherry cotton candie
We wish you a very happy birthday little Suzie and so glad to hear that you keep your human family smiling and happy. ........My girls sure do also and like your mommy-I know Cotons are the best!
Jun 30, 2013 Rating
SuzieNEW by: Vicky & Jonah
Happy B-day Suzie. I am so glad u r a traveling puppy into our lovely AZ.
T-Gaspard du haut de ses deux ans et demi espiègle, malicieux au centre de ma vie, il rit, il me sourit se cache, il fait des cabrioles. Par l’amour qu’il