Tall Coton, Mademoiselle

by Suzanne



Mademoiselle.....tall Coton....17" and 18 lbs. Wonderful dog. was purchased from breeder from previous owner. She didn't get along with older couples other dog, breeder wouldn't take back, she went to helping paws and that is where we got her at 9mos old.

As a puppy she was so so active all the time....NOW 41/2 years and WONDERFUL!!!! We were/are truly blessed to have her.

Comments for Tall Coton, Mademoiselle

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Aug 09, 2024
Sweet Mademoiselle NEW
by: Anonymous

Mademoiselle is beautiful! I am so glad that she is loved and cared for by you. That sounds like an irresponsible breeder, imo. Our breeder has a contract that states that they want her back if there are any issues or we cannot care for her in the future. They were very particular about where their puppies were placed and did everything they could to make sure it would be a successful pairing.They care about their puppies and their future and that is a truly responsible breeder. Not someone just interested in making money.

Jul 20, 2024
Beautiful! NEW
by: Gale

Thanks for sharing beautiful Mademoiselle. I love happy endings - I’m so glad she found the perfect home.

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