by sherry-cotton-candie
We are having a disagreement in our house about our dogs, we purchased our coton almost 5 years ago and from day one she has been adjusted, loves to go anywhere and was friendly. We took her places all the time. Her name is cotton.
A little over two years ago we came upon our other one named Candie. She had been rescued from a puppy mill, was 4 years old, mistreated, untrained and terrified of everything. She finally came around to where she is more trusting of us and after 9 months finally allowed my husband to touch her. She is a sweet dog, gets along great with her sissy and family and friends are amazed at how she is doing. When at home she is fine. She still will not allow anyone else to touch her unless she is on my lap.
The problem is she seems to be out of her comfort zone when away from home, this summer we did not take the dogs often because of this and the heat and I quit their flea protection to give them a break.....We did take them to petco a few weeks ago and she freaked out over a cardboard cut-out of a big black dog they had at the end of an aisle. Barking and pulling on her leash. That same day something else spooked her while we were walking outside and she got between my legs knocking me down on the sidewalk. It just is not fun taking her out.
The problem is I want to take Cotton when we go places because she loves to go and she is good. I feel we are punishing her by leaving her all the time. My husband thinks it is not fair to take one and not both, I agree it isn't -- but Candie seems more comfortable at home. We have taken her places over two years and she still is not at ease, still terrified of big dogs, will not let anyone touch her. People look at us like we are abusing her. We are not close to anywhere that has obedience classes but I don't think that would help. While on vacation she was around grandaughters big dogs and after a few times calmed down but the next big dog she sees is causing her to panic again.
I'm sure some of you have had this experience. What did you do and what do you think? She does like small dogs and is fine with them. I love them both but miss taking Cotton as she needs the stimulation of different places. Candie seems content to go from couch to couch and eat........HELP!