What can i do for weeping eyes in my Coton

How can I clean and prevent weeping eyes in my Coton He has just started this and he is 11 months old. I have had the fur around his eyes trimmed to try and prevent this but this has just started.

Any help - thanks in advance.

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Jul 06, 2015
Weeping Eyes NEW
by: HeidiH

After switching food and water, how long does it typically take for the tear stains improve?

Feb 23, 2015
Weeping eyes resolved NEW
by: Anonymous

I switched my Coton to Rachel Ray's dry food and haven't had a problem with his eyes since. He still has a very slight drip but not nearly as bad as he had for the first five years of his life when he was on Nutro's diet.

Aug 19, 2014
Weepy Eyes
by: Quincy's mom

The weepy eyes can be due to allergies as can be the drippy nose but most likely it's your water. Faucet water has lots of minerals, including Iron. This red stains from eyes and nose. Try using filtered, moving water. We have a DogIt fountain which circulates the water and keeps it fresh, we keep a Brita water pitcher on the counter to fill it with. Food also can cause weepy eyes and red stains. Again, too much iron in the food. A little vinegar on a cotton ball to wipe the tear stained area helps keep the area clean and won't harm your cotton. This also helps odors and sweat in between their pads during the summer months.

Aug 17, 2014
by: joyce/pierre

My dog gets it too. I was told no corn or wheat or red beets. Sometimes it could just be the tear ducks. I wash Pierre's face every morning and before bed. If you don't then it crawls down the side and leaves the stains. I also use bottled water for drink & eye cleaning. I was also told that they are finding that some dogs get it from eating chicken. I do feed my dog a lot of organic chicken mixed in with his dog food otherwise he won't eat it.

Has anyone tried peroxide with baking soda on the mouth area??? I would worry about getting it in the eyes so would not do it there.

Aug 17, 2014
weepy eyes
by: Iris

I call them goopy eyes, it's from the dog food that has red beets in it for coloring. Partly from eating the food,and partly from the dry food "dust" getting on their eyes and hair from burrowing in the food while they eat. I keep the hair trimmed and also use cotton makeup pads with lukewarm water (separate pads for each eye) and wipe it away.If it's crusty, first I will dab some warm water on it to soften, then gently wipe.
Same procedure with "poopy butt" .

Aug 16, 2014
hair staining
by: Anonymous

I used to live in the country and our water came from a well. I never had any staining on my cotton Sadie. I moved and Now have city water. She started to stain around her eyes and mouth. We are going to see if we can't fix the staining by drinking bottled water

Aug 16, 2014
by: Anonymous

My Coton had this problem until I changed her food to Inova. No more drippy eyes and firmer, less smelly stool.

Aug 16, 2014
Weeping eyes
by: sherry cotton candie

Mine also seem to have watery eyes and like you I also trim the hair short on the side and right under their eyes. Every morning they seem to have eye boogies anyway............I take a cotton ball and warm water and wipe their eyes. I notice if it dries and their hair gets stiff they will start scratching at their face.

Certain dog treats and food will give them red stained eyes. I used angel eyes for awhile but was told it does contain antibiotics and is not for long term use. They hated the taste anyway and was hard to get them to eat whatever I put it in.

They hate having their faces cleaned but I do not know what else to do. Mine do not have any allergies that I know of but seem to have alot of moisture under the eyes. Vet says nothing to be concerned about but just annoying to them.

Aug 16, 2014
Weeping Eyes in Coton
by: carol Stein

I used Angel Eyes on my Coton, Chewie, for a month or so, and that cleared up the problem.

My Coton is now 4 years old, and has been free of this condition for two years. I recommend trying this product.

Aug 16, 2014
Weeping Eyes
by: Anne/Glenmoore

We used Angel Eyes for about six weeks and that cleared it up in our little Coton, Molly. I also clean her fur around her eyes everyday with eye cleaner or warm water on a cotton pad and make sure her beard is clean and brushed. The longer her hair gets, the more weaping occurs but she has not had the red color. Could be yeast infection.

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