Who can say No! to this cute little face?

by Remi
(Whitby, Ontario)

Meet Jazz!
Jazz came into our lives in March 2020 (A week before the first Pandemic lockdown in Ontario). He is the first dog I have ever had in my life and I couldn’t have asked for a better companion! What a beautiful journey we are experiencing.

He is loving, caring, clownish as we have wished and, most of all, the best addition to our family we could have asked for!

Jazz is now 4 1/2 years old and we are all having a lot of fun caring for this little one.

May we spend many, many more years together and I am looking forward having many fun adventures with this little guy.

We love you forever Mr. Jazz! Xox

Comments for Who can say No! to this cute little face?

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Jun 29, 2024
Hello, little Jazz!!!
by: Cat303

Wonderful to hear you are having a beautiful life with your Coton. I also have a male Coton born in 2019 and he is a joy. They add so much to our lives, right? Mine is a wild man but he is all love!

Jun 29, 2024
Yes to Jazz! NEW
by: Gale

I agree, saying no to these adorable Cotons is so hard. Jazz is adorable and he’s lucky to have found a family who loves him so much.

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