I use with CoCo a quarter size of this as his harness. It's a leash style by Martha Stuart:
SEE PICTURE (I will post as a new post where pictures can be added - look there)
Martha Stewart PetsĀ® Fresh Meadows Stripe & Bow Tie Dog Harness
Item: 36-26644
$ 17.49 Reg: $ 24.99
Feb 20, 2015 Rating
Zorro Thunder!NEW by: Anonymous
"With us he never growls or lunges or tries to bite but with strangers or dogs he doesn't know he'll do just that"
It must be in the NAME!
ZORRO - Fictional character that "defends the people of the land against tyrannical officials and other villains. Not only is he too cunning and foxlike for the bumbling authorities to catch, but also delights in publicly humiliating them."
Your Coton evens looks like a Zorro! As he grew you can see in his face he's grounded, self-assured and quit content taking on the role being the agressor against the bigger dogs. You can see it in his face & posture. . . ."delights in publicly humiliating them."
You can always change his name to something like Chrischan, or Casper (he may think he's transparent!) Or Cheerio.
My Coton is the exact opposite. He's aggressive with his bark inside, when he hears a walker-by outside. But once outside, if he finds the source of the noise he comes running to my feet for protection & safety; standing tall beside me. On the doggy path walk, he loops-around oncoming dogs staying as far away as possible. If small or bigger dogs approach him he just runs the otherway in a circle to get to my feet. He looks at people strangers, as they near, with erect ears but as they near he comes running to my feet for protection & safety. He doesn't bark when we're outside walking, he's more in fear & fright if dogs sniff him and simply wants them strangers & their dogs to go away like they're bothering HIS serenity walk. If they ignore him, he walks past them with his head high, waggles his butt and passes by in Royal elegance and snobbery.
However, if we meet a "friend" on the same doggy walk, my Coton is as cheerful as can be greeting them with excited rabbit bounces and running in circles like a happy nut. If a friend knocks on our home door he doesn't bark either. He wags his tail and when the door is opened he loves them happily to death. If the vistor's knock is a stranger he'll bark soundly but once the door is open he silents and stills himself by myside, posture erect & proud!
It's amazing how the two dogs are taking on their appointed roles. My Dog's name is Coconut - CoCo for French elegance & snobbery and "Nut" cause he acts like a crazy nut when he's so happy.
I think Zorror is a great name and your Coton is playing his designated role!
Here's an idea: When Zorror begins his aggression-role you could say something like "not now, later". When my Coton barks loudly/soundly I ckeck it out and say ""We're safe". As soon as he hears that word "safe" he stops his protective bark.
When CoCo begins his shrug as dogs approach us on our 'no-leash zone' doggy River trail, I've taught him to stand up to his fear. I say "Walk tall". I switched him from a nylon strap/ light plastic to a 'heavier metal' snap on a bigger cloth harness for extra support around his tummy. It's a Martha Stuart design. It's similar to a Thunder Shirt design, only in leash form. The studies showed that the Thunder Shirt hugs the doggy's belly and reduces Thunder fear. It works for CoCo in little doggy fear of bigger dogs - he still ignores 'em but he WALKS TALL past 'em! He gained so much confidance in his new cloth harness. He strutts like Royalty!
Perhaps Zorro is actually fearful of tbe bigger dogs and big people. Try a Thunder Shirt. See if that helps calm his fear-aggression.
Feb 13, 2015 Rating
ZorroNEW by: Vicky & Jonah
He sounds like a typical Coton but sounds like he's missing socialization skills. Get out to your local park or dog park. Get your friends to help.
They really r a breed that gets along w/other dogs. Just be careful w/big dogs that have a little breed chase instinct. These dogs really r laid back & happy when we'll rounded.
He is really adorable. Have fun with him. They can be little clowns.
This is Teddy our lovely 2 year old boy we were very fortunate to get from a local rescue centre. I had been grieving our 16 year old Bichon and thought