He looks gorgeous. I shaved down Jonah around 13 mo. from the puppy hair. The only ones I trim now are the frizzies after bath. I trim his bangs all the time. Jonah will be 4 in Dec.
I always used Cowboy Magic shampoo & detangler but I never purchased the conditioner until last month. I mixed it 16:1. Applied & lightly rinsed out. Wonderful. Very very soft.
Dilute it 32:1 & use as a spray to daily brush. I find his coat brushes easier if a little wet even just water. Since I have always self groomed I read all I can find.
The best Coton site found was from the UK. Comb out before & after bath while wet. Then blow dry. The wet comb is fairly quick. The coat remains easier to maintain with a 5 min. daily check. I will use thinning scissors or reg. to cut vertically into the mats if needed.
I spread this process out to a 3 day event which is less stress on both of us. U can blow dry 1st if the weather is cold but u must comb out by the next day or the mats seem to set.
I think u are doing a wonderful job by the picture. He is adorable.
Sep 07, 2010
Ana and Sophie by: Iris
Thanks. Sorry. I never heard that about cutting the hair at once to make it stronger? Tuffy has plenty of very thick hair, I could have built three more dogs from all the hair I cut off! hugs,
Iris and Tuffy
Sep 07, 2010
is it true we have to cut all the hair once? by: Ana Claudia
your talented! I can only imagine how difficult it is...
Can Someone tell me: I heard from a friend that you must cut all their hair once, in order to grow stronger, is this true?
Sep 06, 2010
Grooming issues by: Iris
Thanks gale and Joyce for the compliments. The pictures hide a lot of my boo-boos, ha. At least even though Tuffy does not like it, he is tolerating it and he is happy not going to the groomers.
Those pictures show him hiding from me in his "cave" the blue puppy carrier that is his safe place, when I was getting his bath ready before the haircut, if you zoom in you can see his paws are loaded with wet grass all tangled in his hair, and he did not want a bath. I keep towels out in the garage and inside by the door to dry him off because his underside and legs frequently get wet and muddy on our walks (it drives me nuts!).
Tuffy is a good boy, he knows the routine and the command "on the towel" and puts up a leg at a time to be dried (just bragging again, my dog is so smart!
Iris and Tuffy
Sep 06, 2010
Looks professional to me by: Gale
Iris, I think you're doing an amazing job. I admire your patience and stick-with-it attitude. AND Tuffy looks fantastic!
Sep 05, 2010
How am I doing by: Joyce
He looks great. Good job. JR is still a little scared - but the last time I did use motorized hand held clippers, the first two times I had to clip him with hand scissors. He's coming along.
Hi! This is my soulmate and the queen of our home - Petite. She is 2 years old and she is deaf but she is funny and loyal and smart. She loves long walks,
My Coton wears a round leather collar. The hair around his neck gets matted. I was wondering if somebody else has a better idea for the collar. Also, how